5 Least Picked ADCs in Professional League of Legends
The ADC pool of champions has grown in recent seasons, but back in the day you would find the same AD Carries being played in every single game. While it is to some extent still true to this day, it’s slightly more common to see champions outside of the top 5 champion pool to be played in the AD Carry role.
In recent times, AP champions have joined the ADC club and are being played to varying levels of success. This new genre of champions has given the ADC role and bottom lane in general a breath of fresh air in both pro and solo queue.
Today, in this Mobalytics article we will discuss 5 of the least played ADC champions in Professional League of Legends. Our list includes some AD-based champions and some AP-based champs. You can find extra stats, tips and tricks and much more about any of today’s champions on their Mobalytics champion page.
There are many champions that may have been played in alternative roles in professional League of Legends. Because of this, we will only include traditional laners in our least picked articles. All of the stats are taken from GOL.GG and the filters we are using are for all seasons and worldwide.
5 Least Picked ADCs in Pro League of Legends
1. Yasuo
Yasuo, the most beloved champion on Summoners Rift, never gets played in pro play. He is very dominant in the right matchups, and he can be incredibly hard to deal with. Pros are mechanical gurus so they can get away with picking Yasuo ADC too.
However, Yasuo has way too many counters to be successful. The meta ADCs are so much more dominant than he is which means he will have a rough laning phase. The Support also needs to pick someone who has good synergy with them and can make plays. In many cases, that Support will frequently roam, which leaves Yasuo sacrificing CS for XP.
I personally wouldn’t recommend playing Yasuo ADC unless you are duoing with a Support or someone who knows how to play with a Yasuo. Do not pick Yasuo in team comps where you already have several AD champions either!
Quick Tips
- Weave through the minion wave with your E while always leaving at least 1 minion untouched so you can get out after trading.
- Wait for the optimal time to use your R. Don’t just engage whenever anyone gets knocked up as you might be going in 1v5.
- Refrain from using your Windwall unless you need to use it. You never know when it will come in handy to protect you from incoming ganks or global Ultimates.
2. Syndra
I really like Syndra as an ADC. When paired with the right Support, she can be extremely obnoxious and hard to deal with. Syndra with a poke Support is hard to handle. They will keep poking you down and then kill you over and over again. They will gain a gold lead via kills, minions and turret plates.
However, Syndra isn’t really played in pro play. Her biggest issues are that she is squishy, immobile and weak versus all-in. Plus, she lacks synergy in pro play as AP Supports are not often played. She forces her Mid laner to pick someone like Corki or Yasuo so they do have some AD damage.
I may be biased, but I think Syndra is a good carry in the bot lane and I think you can get away with playing her. She has lots of good synergies and can still be dominant with a utility Support.
Quick Tips
- Delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking the enemy with your Q and W. Having balls placed will also allow you to set up a fight with your E.
- Try to get as many balls placed before activating your Ultimate on the enemy to increase your damage output and the chances of you killing the enemy.
- Set up picks for your team by placing Dark Spheres inside bushes and using your E to knock them into the enemy. Stunning them will result in easy pickups for your team.
3. Seraphine
Seraphine has seen a lot of play in a lot of different roles. She has been played in the Mid, ADC and Support roles. She was really popular at one point in the ADC role, and she saw a lot of play with Sona.
Seraphine has good playmaking potential and good healing for her team. Unfortunately, though, she is really weak early and forces the Jungler to play around alternative lanes and not bot side. Furthermore, this lack of early game damage and priority could lose their team drakes.
I don’t think it’s worth picking Seraphine in the ADC role. Play her Support if you want to play Seraphine.
Quick Tips
- Try to look for fights in the jungle or around an objective. Getting your Ultimate off on as many champions as possible will help your team win the fight.
- The heal from your W doesn’t come into effect for a long time. Do not rely on it to save your life.
- During the laning phase, avoid using your W unless you have to. It has an incredibly long cooldown and you’ll be vulnerable when it’s on cooldown.
4. Swain
Swain is the next champion on our list. Swain is a decent champion and has seen play in all lanes. Swain is an okay champion to play in the bottom lane, but you can’t just pick him with any Support.
I suppose the biggest thing that is stopping pros from playing him right now is because there are far better champions to play in the bottom lane. Another factor is that he is an AP champion. This means that (in many cases) the Mid laner will need to play AD and there are not many strong AD champions in the Mid lane right now.
I think Swain is alright for the AD role, but I wouldn’t really pick him into a lot of matchups. Neither would I want to play him without a good Support synergy.
Quick Tips
- Swain is prone to all-ins. Stand as far back as possible so it’s harder for the enemy to get on to you. Once an enemy is on top of you, it’s going to be hard for you to get them off.
- Swain’s root will only trigger on the closest enemies hit on its return. Take aim and try to use it so it leaves little room for the enemy to react and dodge it.
- Activate your Ultimate as soon as a fight occurs to increase your chances of coming out ahead and surviving the fight.
5. Samira
The final champion on our list is Samira. I wasn’t going to include her on our list because I thought she was still newish- but she isn’t. Anway, Samira isn’t played a lot compared to other AD champions in the bottom lane.
Samira isn’t picked because of her short range and her gameplay. Typically, Samira will go in when her Ultimate is stacked and deal tons of AOE damage. Lack of coordination on the enemy’s behalf plays to Samira’s strengths. However, in pro play, they know to lock her down and blow her up.
I think Samira is an okay champion in Solo Queue. You just need to watch your allies and make sure they’re in a position to follow up otherwise you’ll be going in 1v5 and dying over and over again.
Quick Tips
- Try to use unique attacks by using different abilities often to gain style points. Keep as many style points as possible.
- In team fights, avoid going in unless you have at least an A or something close to it. You will gain max stacks if you use your E to close the gap and then activate your Ultimate in the fight.
- You can use your E to dash to enemy champions and minions. This can help you reposition in a fight.
Final Thoughts
The ADC role has the least champions played there, so the meta champions get played over and over again. With that in mind, it’s nice to sometimes see AP champions being played there. If you want more tips and tricks or learn how to counter any of the champions in our list, head over to Mobalytics.
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