5 Easiest Top Laners to Play in LOL
When learning a new role in League of Legends, it would benefit you heavily to play an easier champion rather than a hard champion so you can focus more on learning the role than the champion itself. If you want to dabble in learning the Top Lane, this guide’s for you!
In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss 5 of the easiest Top Lane champions in League of Legends. This list is in no particular order and is somewhat opinionated. You may find some of these champions harder than others, and you may think that there are way easier champions around!
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1. Garen
Garen is one of the simplest champions in League of Legends. He has no skill shots, a unique Passive that provides him with extra sustain and protection, and many other tools in his kit which make him perfect for players wanting to learn the role. He is always a strong champion thanks to his Ultimate which can enable him to get kills and start a snowball.
With his Q, Garen can speed himself up which helps him escape or engage the enemy with his Q. This can help him close the gap or create one if needed. Another benefit to Garen is that he is really versatile with his build. He can build a lot of different items depending on how far ahead he is, or if he is behind he can just go full tank.
Here are some guides to help you get started:
2. Dr Mundo
Dr Mundo is a tank champion, and tanks are usually a lot easier to play than fighters or bruisers. During the laning phase his kit is quite forgiving as he has a lot of sustain just like Garen. Even in the worse matchups, he can still pick up farm with his Q. His Q is his only skill shot too.
As a tank, Dr Mundo will deal considerable damage while trading with the enemy as he usually picks up a Sunfire Cape. Once he has a component for this item, his trading power increases. In the late game, he will be really tanky and able to soak up a lot of damage for his team mates. As long as he builds items that are appropriate against the enemy, you will be useful.
Here are some guides to help you get started:
3. Nasus
Nasus is another very simple champion in League of Legends, but he is arguably one of the hardest on our list. It is not as simple as just focusing on farming and then being a late-game monster, even though that is pretty much what you do. To truly master Nasus, you need to focus on surviving, trading, and getting those Q stacks in the laning phase.
All Nasus players must learn how to manage waves properly. If you do not learn this, you will struggle to pick up farm and will fall very behind, as you’ll be unable to pick up stacks on your Q. So, I would advise that you search for our wave management guide if you want to learn how to manage those waves properly.
Here are some guides to help you get started:
4. Maokai
The fourth champion on our list is maokai . Maokai is a strong meta Top Laner in LoL. He just needs some time to come online, then he will become an amazing champion throughout the mid and late game. Maokai is a great versatile pick too, so if you like the Support role, you could play him there too.
What makes Maokai so good is that he has great pick potential with his W and Ultimate. He can roam around the map, flank in team fights and lock down champions who have over extended without assistance. In team fights, he can also soak up a lot of damage due to the items he buys and his Passive.
Here are some guides to help you get started:
5. Tryndamere
The final champion on our list is Tryndamere. He happens to be the only non-tank champion in our list today. The reason that he is on our list is that his kit is very easy to understand, and he benefits from fighting often, which players love to do in the lower ranks. If you want to truly learn a champion in its fullest, you should learn to limit test!
Tryndamere is a super-aggressive champion, and you must play aggressively often. You can look for all-in opportunities whenever the enemy mispositions or walks too far forward. If a trade goes wrong, you can use your E to escape, and you have a heal with your Q, so you can get some health back after the trade. Post 6, it is really hard for you to get killed as your Ultimate can provide you with enough time to kill the enemy or back off.
Here are some guides to help you get started:
When it comes to learning a role, you will find it much easier to do so by picking champions that are simple to play and easier than most. I would advise you to stick to tanks as they’re much more forgiveable and easier compared to damage dealers, fighters, or ranged champions like Quinn or Akshan. But there are a lot of choices open for anyone who wants to learn the role.
For more tips and tricks, head to Mobalytics!
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