5 Champions With the Most Skins in League of Legends Season 13
There are over 160 champions in League of Legends, and every champion released have at least 1 additional skin for you to buy or play. Every 2 weeks, or every patch, some champions get new skins which you can purchase and use. Unfortunately, some champions have very few skins and go years without another variation.
However, some popular champions in League have a lot of skins, and Riot promotes giving those popular champions skins over champions that are not played as much or champions that may be receiving significant changes in the near future. Naturally, we see some champions sitting on many skins, and in this Mobalytics article, we will discuss a few champions at the top of the charts with skin numbers!
If you’re interested in learning more about any of the champions on today’s list, or if you want to learn how to play them, check out their Mobalytics Champion Page.
5 Champions With the Most Skins in League of Legends Season 13
Please note we are only doing the top 5 champions according to this list. Special mention should be to Ezreal, who has the same number of skins as Ahri, Akali and Caitlyn. We’ve not included him in the list as he hasn’t had a skin for a longer period of time than those 3.
1. Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is the champion with the most skins in the game. As of April 2023, she has received 19 different skins, with her last skin being released in March 2023. She was initially released in 2010 and has been a favourite pick by players and streamers.
She is predominantly played in the ADC and has been a solid pick for quite some years. However, she can be played in the Support role too. While her Support skill is not as good as it once was, she can be a good pick against squishy damaging Supports like Zyra.
I think there are a few reasons why she has so many skins:
- She is a popular champion in League of Legends, being played in multiple roles.
- Her character development, splash, in-game movements and character model are unique. Her playstyle is different from other ADCs, too.
- Let’s not forget that she is a fun champion to play, which gives Riot more incentive to create skins for champions.
2. Lux
Lux has always been a fan-favourite APC, and Riot has to find a healthy balance between keeping her strong enough that people still play her but not too strong that she is a must-pick or ban.
She is usually played in the Mid and Support roles, but she used to be played as an ADC with an AP Support a few seasons ago and used to dominate the bottom lane. Nowadays, you’ll find her securing kills and minions in the Support role with her insane burst damage.
I think there are a few reasons why she has so many skins:
- Lux is played in both the Mid and Support roles. The Mid lane is the most famous role in the game, which means she has a higher chance of being picked.
- She is a bursty champion, which is excellent for people wanting to climb, but also fulfils the idea and joy of playing champions that can blow someone up.
- When played in the Support role, she can deal a lot of damage, which is ideal to increase her pick rate and chances of getting played by the community.
3. Ahri
Ahri is only played in the mid-lane now but has played many different roles in League of Legends. She can be played in the Support role, but it is not as popular as it once was. She was also briefly played in the ADC role and saw a little play in the Jungle at one point or another.
In Season 12, Ahri received a long-anticipated update where they updated her abilities and her appearance. Regardless of these changes, she is still a strong and popular champion in the Mid lane and sits at a comfortable win rate.
I think there are a few reasons why she has so many skins:
- Ahri is only really played in one role, but she is extremely popular within the community.
- Due to her having a lot of tails and being a good character model, she has a lot of potential when it comes to getting new skins.
- She has been out for a long time and even received a rework recently. How long a champion has been out is a major factor in why a champion has so many skins.
4. Akali
Akali used to be one of my favourite champions before her rework. In Season 3, I used to love playing her. I’ve not touched her much since her rework, and I wish they would bring her back! You’ll usually find Akali abusing melee champions in the Top Lane, but she is also played in the Mid Lane too.
Akali is in a weird spot where she isn’t really strong right now, but in the right hands and in the right matchup, she can take over the game. I suppose this can be said about a lot of champions, but Akali is very hit or miss when it comes to carry potential. However, she is arguably one of the best solo-carry champions on this list.
I think there are a few reasons why she has so many skins:
- Akali has been out for a very long time and has had a significant rework in times past. Like Ahri, the length of her stay on Summoners Rift is one of the reasons she has so many skins.
- Like some of the other champions on our list, the chances of her being played are high as she is played in multiple roles, which offers Riot more chances of making money.
- She is a ninja. Ninjas are cool. Ninjas and assassins have high play rates and a lot of customizability.
5. Caitlyn
Caitlyn can be a very dominant ADC and has much pushing-power. She can get a lot of gold quickly via kills and turret plates. She is extremely fun to play as and annoying to play against due to her range and overall aggressive nature.
Her strong laning phase, decent team fighting and her insane range make her a strong opponent for squishy and immobile champions. Caitlyn can be really strong when paired with a Support with good synergy, but unfortunately, Caitlyn has a lot of weaknesses and in certain matchups she has to default to push and retreat so she doesn’t die over and over again.
I think there are a few reasons why she has so many skins:
- Caitlyn’s character design offers a ton of variety for skins because she is basically a girl with a gun. This allows a lot of customizability.
- Her kit is pretty simple, and she doesn’t have many abilities or animations that need to be redesigned.
- She is a popular ADC and always good regardless of meta.
Final Thoughts
That sums up the 5 champions with the most skins in League of Legends. Do any of the champions on our list surprise you? Stay tuned, and we will create a list of the 5 champions with the least skins soon!
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