5 Counters to Jinx in Season 14
Jinx is a fan favourite ADC. She is also one of the more popular ADC’s around in the current meta. Jinx can quickly take over the lane with an early lead and dominate the game. Because of her strength and popularity, knowing how to play against her is good.
In this guide, we will break down 5 champions that are good at Jinx’s ADC. If you see the enemy playing Jinx, try to pick one of these champions to make laning against her easier.
However, we cannot cover everything you should do to counter Jinx in LoL, but if you want to find more tips to counter Jinx in League of Legends, head over to Jinx’s champion page. It has a lot of additional tips to help you counter her.
1. Karthus
Karthus is the first champion on our list. He is an AP champion who seems to do really well with Jinx. While he may not win auto-attack battles with her because she is an AD champion, he can bully her down with his Q. He has good wave clear and poke with his Q, which he can spam. After he has his first item, he can keep harassing and poking her down.
Karthus is great in team fights, especially after he has gained some levels and items. The longer the game goes, the stronger Karthus will be, thanks to his Ultimate and Passive. In team fights, he will still be a threat even if he is taken down first, whereas Jinx will be out of the fight as soon as she dies.
How to play Karthus in Season 14
2. Twitch
The second champion on our list is Twitch. Twitch can be an aggressive hyper-carry ADC who just needs a small lead to gain a much larger lead. When he gets a little lead, he can abuse the enemy ADC over and over again, constantly chase them down the lane, and kill them repeatedly.
During the mid and late game, Twitch can be a monster in team fights due to his AOE Ultimate which he can use to dish out a lot of damage to multiple champions at once. He will also have a lot of damage and attack speed during this stage of the game, so he can deal quite a lot of damage.
How to play Twitch in Season 14
3. Sivir
Unlike some of the other champions on our list, this champion doesn’t have the greatest kill pressure on the Jinx. Instead, she just wants to poke, harass and clear waves. With the help from her Jungler or all-in Support post 6, they can kill the Jinx when she over extends. This champion is of course Sivir.
Sivir has great poke and wave control with her Q and W. This means she can keep abusing the Jinx down, especially whe she has some items and levels. The Jinx must adapt her positioning, or else she will take a lot of damage for no reason. Post 6, her kill pressure is higher than Sivir, but Sivir can use her Ultimate to chase her down the lane.
How to play Sivir in Season 14
4. Draven
The 4th champion on our list is one of the hardest matchups for most AD players to lane against. This champion is Draven. Draven has a lot of all-in potential and can constantly run the enemy down with his superior damage output with his Q. As we disclosed, Jinx isn’t the strongest early-game champion, so picking someone strong is key.
There isn’t really a way for protecting herself against Draven’s all-ins. This is because she is squishy, has low base health, doesn’t buy any defensive items early, and also lacks a dash. While a dash could be useful against Draven, being without one is very dangerous, especially when he is paired with an all-in Support.
How to play Draven in Season 14
5. Tristana
The final champion on our list is Tristana. Tristana can be a great counter to Jinx as she has a lot of all-in potential in the early game. Due to her W and E, she can jump on Jinx and deal a lot of damage with her E. Jinx doesn’t do as much damage as Tristana in the early game, so you can abuse this to gain an early lead.
There isn’t really a way for Jinx to stop her from engaging unless she places her traps directly under the Tristana once she jumps on you. So you can always abuse her over and over again, and bait out this ability and go for trades. Post 6, you can use this all-in advantage to get kill after kill to gain a big lead.
How to play Tristana in Season 14
In Conclusion
When it comes to beating Jinx, you need to play somebody with a lot of all-in power and who can be aggressive. If you can’t be aggressive or if you’re weak, you may find it hard to beat Jinx in the laning phase.
For more tips and tricks, check out Mobalytics!
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