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5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode

5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode

Heimerdinger is one of the least popular champions in League of Legends Summoners Rift, even though he can be played in 4 of the 5 roles. Since the release of Arena Mode, his play rate has skyrocketed, and he has truly found his niche in Arena Mode.

Heimerdinger excels in this new game mode thanks to his Turrets that deal a ton of damage over time. He is also a major counter to many of the other amazing meta picks in Arena Mode, which is a huge bonus to playing him.

In this article by Mobalytics, we will break down 5 of the most popular and best recommended champions you can pair with Heimerdinger to totally destroy the enemy and win the game. We’re working on a series of articles regarding this new game mode. You can find more articles like this on the Mobalytics Blog.

5 Best Duos with Heimerdinger in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks or had very good win rates together. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Shaco is an annoying champion to deal with in Arena Mode, and so is Heimerdinger. This is why the two go hand in hand with one another in Arena Mode. If you’re new to Arena Mode, definitely give this pairing a chance!

Shaco will usually spawn his clone and then run into the enemy to start dealing damage. The Heimerdinger will follow up with poke damage and try to dish out damage. After that (or before, depending on how you want to play the round), the Shaco will spawn a lot of boxes around the map and layer the field like mines.


The next best duo with Heimerdinger is Zyra, who has a very high pick rate with Heimerdinger. The two will constantly bully the enemy from afar and poke the enemy down while pivoting around the map.

For the Heimerdinger and Zyra duo to work well, you need to poke and harass the enemy as much as possible with plants. Then if one of you land an E on the enemy, unleash all your abilities to get them low and kill them.


The Heimerdinger Teemo duo is quite strong in Arena Mode, sitting at one of the most popular pairings with Heimerdinger. These two layer the battlefield with Mushrooms and Turrets and deal damage from afar.

Unlike some other duos in arena mode, for this one you want to play it slowly to maximize Teemo’s Ultimate so he can place a few around the map. Once he’s placed a few, you must play around your turrets and the plants to get extra sustain and deal damage.


Jax is another highly picked champion in Arena Mode with Heimerdinger. These two are really good together, but let it be known that the stats may be slightly skewed because Jax is so powerful in this game mode.

Jax will be the frontline champion: using his Q and E to jump on and lock down enemy champions, while Heimerdinger uses his E and W to follow up and dish out damage. For this comp to work well, you need to watch your spacing and be close to one another.


The final champion on our list is Kayn, another popular champion in Arena Mode. If you’ve played any amount of Arena Mode, then you’ve probably come across these 2 in the past already.

To get this duo to work, you’ll need to play around the turrets and let Kayn be the frontline. He will need to adapt his form to the champions he will be versing. Naturally, Kayn will be quite tanky and soak damage while also dishing out damage. Heimer should just harass from afar.

Ending Points

Heimerdinger is a strong champion in Arena Mode and is really annoying to handle. If you pick him, just know you’re infuriating your enemies. When playing with a Heimerdinger, pick someone who is just as annoying as him!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.