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5 Best Duos with Ezreal in League of Legends Arena Mode

5 Best Duos with Ezreal in Arena Mode

Ezreal is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends. He is a fan-favourite ADC and is also the second-most-picked champion in the game. While his popularity on Summoners Rift is extremely high, it doesn’t follow through with Riot Games’ new Game Mode, Arena Mode.

He is definitely a fun champion in Arena Mode, but we don’t often see him as there are many better picks out there. His vulnerability and lack of CC are 2 of the major reasons why he doesn’t get played much, but that doesn’t mean he is an awful champion in this game mode.

In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the best duos to pick with Ezreal in Arena Mode to win games and climb the ranked ladder. Pick one of these champs if your duo, or recommend one of these to your friend if you’re playing together.

If you enjoy this article, make sure you check out some of the other Arena Mode articles we’ve made recently.

5 Best Duos with Ezreal in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


So the first champion on our list is Zyra. Zyra Ezreal duo is something you may see on Summoners Rift as the two have good poke potential, and both want to harass the enemy as often as possible.

To play this combo, you need to play around Zyra’s plants and let them deal as much damage as possible. While this is going on, Ezreal will need to spam out Qs to try and poke the enemy down. When they’re low enough, commit to the all-in to win the round.


Swain + Ezreal is another duo you might find together on Summoners Rift. In Arena Mode, they want to harass and poke as much as possible first, and then look to all-in when the enemy is lower.

Just like the Zyra duo, when playing with a Swain, you’ll both need to harass the enemy with your Qs as much as possible. As soon as Swain lands an E, you both need to commit to the fight and kill the CC’d target.


Sett plus Ezreal is a good duo in Arena Mode. Although, it’s important to remind you that Sett works well with basically every champion in the game, as he is the most picked champion in Arena Mode.

So for the Sett duo to work, Sett will need to run in while you harass with your Q. Sett will need to soak up the damage while you harass from afar. As soon as Sett gets on a target, be prepared to use your E to close the gap and go in.


Teemo is a very strong champion in Arena Mode due to his early-game shenanigans and his Ultimate. His Q is also very good at preventing damage, which is ideal when playing with a champion who is quite squishy and lacks CC.

Teemo’s main strategy in Arena Mode is to put down a lot of shrooms on the map. He then wants the enemy to walk over them. The two of you will want to play around your cooldowns and harass the enemy as much as possible from afar.


The final champion you can pair with Ez is Singed, who is tanky and deals a lot of damage in Arena Mode. Singed will be the tank, while Ezreal dishes out damage from afar.

Singed will not be strong early, so he relies a lot on the Ezreal to do the early game work. After he is tanky, then Singed will do most of the damage. The main point in this duo is to play around the Singed and poke from afar. If playing Ezreal, make sure you follow up when he goes in.

Final Thoughts

So what do you think of Ezreal in Arena Mode? Have you given him a go? Is he worth playing, or have you been sticking to the meta picks? Let us know below! Thanks for reading.
For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.