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5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode

5 Best Duos with Annie in Arena Mode

After Annies rework this year, her popularity has definitely increased in both the Support and Mid roles. She is still incredibly easy, and one of the best beginner champions in the game. Annie in Arena Mode is a great pick who has great synergy with many different champions in the game mode.

She is definitely a pick or ban champion, and if she is left up in champion select, you’ll see at least 1 team picking her. If you ever see her open, why not try giving her a go and picking one of these 5 champions to pair with her to get a victory under your belt!

In this Mobalytics article, we will break down 5 champions who are amazing duos, the best duos with Annie in Arena Mode. If you enjoy this article, make sure you check out some of the other Arena Mode articles we’ve made recently.

5 Best Duos with Annie in League of Legends Arena Mode

We used our own data for this article, and at the time of writing it, these were the most popular picks. For live, up-to-date data, head over to the Arena Mode section at Mobalytics!


Having a pet is great in Arena Mode, and Ivern has his Daisy. The two of them will spawn their pets in, let them go in first and then quickly follow while peeling, shielding one another and damaging the enemy.

In the late game, they have a lot of damage and shielding, too, so it’s pretty hard to kill both their champions and their pets. The healing, shielding and damage make the pairing a late-game monster.


Yorick also has a pet, and the Maiden is a powerful ability to pair with Annie. They will spawn their Ultimates and continue trying to attack the enemy. Yorick can spawn multiple ghouls too, which will help to deal damage to the enemy.

In this comp, Annie buffs up the Yorick to keep him alive while he deals damage. She gives him her shield, and then he keeps auto-attacking, using his Q to spawn more allies and slowly take the enemy down.


Warwick is one of the strongest champions in the game, and it is hard to counter him without having CC and healing reduction. In the early game, these two work well together as she can keep him alive with her shield.

In the later rounds, he goes in, and they layer CC on the enemy team. She continues to peel for him while he auto-attacks and deals damage. They move around the map and slowly take the enemy down. The good thing is that only a few teams will build healing reduction, so the two can keep going at it and out healing all the damage.


Annie is such a versatile champion in general, and when she is paired with a Jax, she locks targets down and buffs them up with her shield to keep them alive while he auto-attacks and kills them.

Jax is hard to kill in general with his Q and E. His Q can help him jump on, escape, and also jump to the plants, while his E blocks auto-attacks and damage. He can deal tons of damage via autos, so he just needs to keep auto-attacking the enemy until they die.


Kai’Sa is the last champion on our list. She is pretty good in Arena Mode and has a lot of damage. Annie has a stun, which will apply a stack to the target, which Kai’Sa can use to deal additional damage to the enemy.

The two have a lot of burst damage and can one-shot squishier teams in the earlier rounds. Annie can press R, and then Kai’Sa can go in with her Ultimate and Q. It’s good to mention that Annie will be pretty tanky, so she and Tibbers can soak up damage while Kai’Sa attacks for free.

Final Thought

That about wraps up this article on the most popular and best duos for Annie in Arena Mode. We hope you enjoyed and found it interesting. Who would you like to see next? Let us know below!

For more Arena Mode articles, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.