Top 5 Best Champions Picks in Arena Mode
Arena Mode is back in Season 14 with a bang. The new changes to Arena Mode have been a breath of fresh air for the community. Many improvements have been made to it, one of which is that it is much faster-paced than before, allowing players to get in and out of games quickly, as well as the introduction of a new map.
In Arena Mode, you can pick any champion you want; however, there are some really strong and dominant champions you could play if you want to frustrate and pick up easy victories in the game mode.
In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss five of the strongest champions you can pick in Arena Mode. Picking any one of these champions and pairing them with another strong duo who synergises well with your champion will give you a high chance of winning the game and getting that first-place victory royal.
If you want to know what champions might synergise well with your favourite, visit the Mobalytic’s Arena Mode Tier List.
1. Galio- 21% WR (245,000 Games)
We are kicking of this article with Galio. Galio is currently the highest win rate and best champion in Arena Mode right now. After his recent changes, he is now a stronger champion as a whole. In Arena Mode, you will notice a lot of champions with CC. Galio has lots of CC tools in his kit, to make it annoying for the enemy to play against.
Galio’s Ultimate can be quite useful on Summoners Rift, but only if you’re able to use it. In Arena Mode, he can always use his Ultimate, as it is a large AOE tool. You can easily use it on your partner to get the knockup and additional stats. This extra CC can be really useful in winning fights.
You may notice that some of the other champions on our list are AP champions. Galio is great versus AP heavy teams due to the magic resistance shield he can get. This protects him from damage which keeps him alive for longer in fights.
2. Brand- 19.3% WR (242,000 Games)
Brand is the second champion on our list. If you’ve never played or laned against Brand before, he has a lot of poke and AOE damage. His Ultimate, in particular, is very strong when he is against teams or lane opponents that are grouped together as it bounces. As you need to play with your ally in this game mode, Brand can use his Ultimate very effectively.
Another benefit to Brand is that he is a poke champion. As you’ll rarely find a team that just fights straight away, this allows him to poke the enemy down with his W and E to get them slightly lower. As they will be grouped, his Passive will bounce between them to deal extra damage.
The only problem with picking Brand is that he is quite squishy and immobile. So when you’re facing teams that have a lot of CC, then you will struggle. So you need to be spaced appropriately at all times or you will just die at the start of every round.
3. Veigar- 19.2% WR (162,000 Games)
Veigar is the next champion on our list of the strongest champions in Arena Mode for Season 14. Right now, he is showing a dominating performance thanks to his great itemisation and strong duelling potential. In this game mode, he can execute enemies below a certain amount of health.
One of Veigar’s strengths is the more rounds he plays, the stronger he becomes (duh) but the way his Q works enables him to get a ton of additional AP, so as long as you can make it through the first few rounds, you’ll easily deal a lot of damage in the late game rounds.
Just like Brand, Veigar is quite squishy and immobile, even though he has tools in his kit and items to protect him. So, make sure you watch your positioning and try to stay as far away from the enemy as possible to increase your chances of survival.
4. Lillia- 18.6% WR (158,000 Games)
The next champion on our list is a skirmish-heavy champion. Lillia is great in consistent, long-drawn-out fights with her Q and W. These 2 abilities, paired with her Ultimate, make her a deadly force in Arena Mode, especially with another strong duelist.
She can fight both champions at once, or use her Ultimat to take one of them out of the fight. You can then both focus on the other champion and take them down while the other one is impaired. There are a lot of fighting options for Lilia.
She also synergizes really well with some of the new augments, in particular, the ones that Grant her additional AP or stacks. The longer the game goes, the more damage she will deal, and the harder it will be for the enemy to survive against her.
5. Trundle- 17.6% WR (237,000 Games)
The final champion on our list is another strong duelist and deadly skirmishing champion, and that of course is Trundle. Trundle is a consistent pick or ban right now in Arena Mode and for good measure. Trundle is very good against pretty much every type of champion you’ll come up against in Arena Mode.
There are so many tanks being played right now, but that isn’t a huge issue for Trundle. Yes he can get CC locked, but he can steal a lot of those tank’s defensive stats with his Ultimate. This Ultimate makes him extremely tanky and hard to kill, and those strong tanks generally lack damage, so he can just keep auto-attacking them to death.
Furthermore, Trundle will deal a lot of damage and be tanky at the same time. His auto attack paired with his Q make him one mean machine, and as long as he uses his E effectively to CC the enemy and W to close the gap, he can just keep whacking the enemy to death.
In Conclusion
The strongest champions can sometimes be the best to play. After all, losing every game isn’t very enjoyable, so why not hop on the current trend and pick one of these champions in your next games? If you don’t like any of these strong picks, that’s completely okay as this game mode is supposed to be for fun (until the ranked ladder opens up later on in the year). I would recommend you ban them unless you intend to play them!
Find out how strong your favourite champions are by heading over to the Mobalytic’s Arena Mode Tier List today!
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