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How to Play 1v2 Bot Lane (ADC Guide)

How to Play 1v2 Bot Lane (ADC Guide)

Learning what to do when your Support leaves you alone in the bottom lane is very important. Unfortunately, Supports don’t always leave you at the best times, but that doesn’t mean that you should go and get yourself killed out of spite.

Regardless of whether your Support can get something done elsewhere on the map, it would help if you did these things when your Support has left you alone so you can stay in the game and reduce your chances of falling heavily behind.

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Here’s what to do when your Support leaves the lane!

  1. Avoid Pushing
  2. Use Abilities to Farm With
  3. Sacrifice CS for XP
  4. Do Not Use Any Dashes
  5. Ping if the Enemy Support Roams
  6. Play At the Opposite Side of the Lane

Before we begin, I understand that it can be tough to play a 1v2 lane, and your Support may have left you at the worse possible time. The thing you need to realise is that if you decide to overextend or play as if they’re there and it backfires- it is your fault. You cannot play alone and expect to play the same way you would with a Support in the lane. It is both your fault if someone dies alone.

1. Avoid Pushing

Try your hardest not to push the minion wave if you’re alone because the enemy will be able to zone you away from the farm and possibly kill you over and over again. By keeping the wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map, you will have the tower to protect you from incoming damage, and it will help you pick up CS and XP.

Furthermore, keeping the wave closer to your tower will prevent the enemy Jungler from showing up to your lane and taking you down.

To keep the minion wave closer to your side, try and stop auto-attacking the minion wave. Only auto-attack minions that are about to die to secure the last hits. You can find more tips and tricks on wave management by checking out the Mobalytics wave management guide.

2. Use Abilities to Farm With

When you’re alone, your abilities can provide you with safe passage to pick up the farm and earn gold without sacrificing your health or life. If you have abilities that can be thrown out from afar, such as Ezreal Q, Caitlyn Q, Kog’Maw R or anything that has long-range, you should try to use those abilities to secure last hits with if you can.

Ezreal Q

Using these abilities to solely farm with will protect your life and offer you more survivability as you can use them from range without fear of being hit by the enemy. Ezreal’s Q has a relatively long-range, which means he can stand far back and out of range of the enemy.

If you do not have any abilities to farm from afar, you may need to sacrifice CS for XP.

3. Sacrifice CS for XP

Sacrificing CS for XP is an excellent method to keep you alive in the lane while limiting your chances of falling behind. By staying in the XP range and not moving forward to last hit minions, you will prevent yourself from dying will still getting XP and levels under your belt.

Now, this sounds like a bad idea- you will not get gold while the enemy does. However, let’s suggest that you walk forward to last hit minions. You can come into range of the enemy, and they may deal a lot of damage to you and force you to recall, blow summoner spells or force you to play safe.

You will not fall behind in levels by sacrificing CS for XP, but you will miss out on gold. This isn’t a long-term thing, but it can be if you make a massive mistake in the lane. Be prepared to sacrifice CS, so you do not miss out on both CS and XP!

4. Do Not Use Any Dashes

Let’s keep this one short. If you have a dash or a blink, do not use it aggressively if you’re laning 1v2. If you use it aggressively, you will be in an overextended position and vulnerable. A good enemy pairing will also abuse the fact that you do not have this dodge tool to all-in you.

Lucian E

Save your dashes to keep you alive in the lane- you never know when you’ll need them, so it’s best to be with them and not need them rather than need them and be without them.

5. Ping if the Enemy Support Roams

In some cases, the enemy Support will try to match your Support and roam around the map too. If they leave the lane, make sure you ping that the enemy Support has started roaming so your allies know they’re gone. Avoid playing aggressive until you see them somewhere else on the map, as they could be baiting you into playing aggressive and then take you down.

If the enemy Support shows up somewhere else on the map, you can (to some extent) ignore a lot of the information in this guide and play the lane as you would 1v1. However, always keep an eye on what’s happening elsewhere if they show up back in the bottom lane.

6. Play At the Opposite Side of the Lane

Try and make sure you’re always standing towards the opposite side of the lane as the enemy when you’re in a 1v2 lane. Keeping the minion wave between you and them at all times will make it harder for them to land skill shots on you and hook champions like Blitzcrank to pull you in.

By staying as far back as possible, you will increase your chances of staying alive in the lane. You’ll also make it harder for the enemy to land crucial skill shots on you- which further increases your survivability.

If the enemy Blitzcrank is towards the bottom side of the lane, you should play towards the top side of the lane: while keeping the minion wave between you and them for as long as possible.

ADC positioning example


If you’re an ADC main, you will find yourself in bad situations where the Support has left you to do something elsewhere. While your initial reaction may be horror, there are some things you can do to make your experience in the 1v2 far less daunting. Make sure you use all these tips to help increase your survivability in these dire situations.

For more tips and tricks, head to Mobalytics!

If you have any questions or want to learn more, check out PicklePants’s stream.

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