Top 5 Best and OP Supports For Patch 14.9
The Support role is my favourite role in League of Legends. I love playing it because it is flexible and allows for the play of many champions. This is ideal for players who don’t like to stick to just one play style. In the Support role, you can play carries, damage dealers, tanks, and utility champions.
In this Mobalytics article, we will outline 5 of the strongest Supports you should pick on Patch 14.9. For extra tips to play any of these champs, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page.
Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.9.
1. Sona
The first champion on our list today is Sona. Sona is one of the easiest Supports you can play. She has no skill shots, which is ideal for people who are not very good at landing them. She has a lot of utility, healing and shielding, and can provide a lot for herself and her allies.
While Sona is not the best early game Support and is incredibly squishy/ prone to all-ins, she is really easy to kill, as long as you understand how to trade on her, and how to position so you cannot get killed or set behind, then you’ll see yourself climbing in no time. Our advice would be to play around your Ultimate’s cooldown and look for picks whenever it is up.
Sona Support Mid-Patch Stats:
- According to the patch preview, they not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Sona’s win rate in patch 14.8 was 53.77%.
- Sona is not the most popular pick in the game. She only had a 3.34% Pick Rate.
- As you don’t see her that often, no one really bans her. She had a 0.20% ban rate.
- In Emerald+, Sona was played 69,000 times.
2. Nami
The next champion on our list is one of my personal favourites, and that champion is Nami. In recent patches, she has had some direct and indirect changes that have adjusted how strong she has been. A good Nami is going to be harassing and bullying the enemy whenever they possibly can, so if this sounds like the champion for you- why not give her a go this patch!
Nami has a lot of different things built into her kit. She has damage with her W and E poke, 2 CC tools with her Q and Ultimate, and she can also keep herself or her ADC topped up with health thanks to her W. All-in-all, Nami’s kit is really good, and she has great carry and pick potential because of it.
Nami Support Mid-Patch Stats:
- According to the patch preview, they not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Nami’s win rate on patch 14.8 was 52.81%.
- Nami had a quite high pick rate this patch. Her pick rate was 9.86%.
- And with that in mind, Nami had a 0.71% ban rate.
- In Emerald+, Nami was played 205,000 times.
3. Thresh
Number 3 on our list is Thresh, who is arguable the hardest champion on our list. But with great practice comes great reward, or something on those lines… A player who puts a lot of time and effort into learning and playing Thresh will see themselves climbing very quickly in ranked as they know the ins and outs of his kit.
What makes Thresh so good is that he has so many tools to get his team ahead. He has multiple forms of CC, which allows him to make plays and get picks. In and outside of the laning phase, Thresh can be really good and one good Q can secure his team a victory and some LP!
Thresh Support Mid-Patch Stats:
- According to the patch preview, they not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Thresh’s win rate in patch 14.8 was 52.01%.
- Thresh is one of the most popular Supports around right now. He had a 14.38% pick rate.
- Thresh had a 5.06% ban rate on patch 14.8.
- In Emerald+, Thresh was played 300,000 times.
4. Brand
All the Supports we have listed so far are ones that rely on their allies, but this champion does not. This champion can single handily carry the laning phase by poking the enemy and gaining a significant health lead in the laning phase. Brand is one of the most lane dominant and poke heavy Supports around thanks to his E and W.
During the laning phase, his goals are to poke and harass the enemy as much as possible. Then in team fights you just look to poke the enemy and then use your Ultimate on them when they’re grouped together. Brand can deal a lot of AOE damage with his W, E and Ultimate!
Brand Support Mid-Patch Stats:
- According to the patch preview, they not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Brand had a win rate in patch 14.8 was 52.82%.
- And Brand had a 3.22% Pick Rate on patch 14.8.
- Brand’s ban rate was 4.68%.
- In Emerald+, Brand was played 67,000 times.
5. Rakan
The final champion on our list is Rakan. Rakan is a utility Support that has incredible all-in and kill pressure. What makes Rakan really good is that he has a lot of tools in his kit to help him and his allies in fights. Rakan has multiple engage tools, which are his Ultimate and W. He also has a heal with his Q, and a shield to help him get out of fights too.
During the laning phase, Rakan can look to engage whenever the enemy walks forward or miss positioned. A good Rakan can abuse the enemy over and over again. Post 6, a good Rakan will also be looking to engage and play around their Ultimate. His R>W combo is very strong and will usually result in kills.
Rakan Support Mid-Patch Stats:
- According to the patch preview, they not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Rakan had a win rate in patch 14.8 was 52.10%.
- Rakan isn’t a very popular champion right now. They only had a 6.27% pick rate.
- And Rakan had a 1.41% ban rate.
- In Emerald+, Rakan was played 130,000 times.
In Conclusion
There are a lot of good Supports you can play on this patch, but we understand that none of these champions might be for you! So, I recommend you head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for patch 14.9 for more recommendations. It will help you if you find champions with different play styles too!
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