OP Junglers For Patch 14.9
The Jungle role is the most dominant role in League of Legends. A good Jungler can take over the map and dominate every lane in the game with high tempo and pressure. There have been recent objective timing changes, which has changed the flow of Junglers, but they still remain as important as ever.
In this article, let’s review 5 of the strongest Junglers in the patch 14.9. If you wish to master any of these champions or learn to play anyone else in LoL, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page for more!
Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.9.
1. Rek’Sai
After her changes earlier on in the year, this champion has become a much stronger pick. Rek’Sai is a dominant early game Jungler who loves to gank often and get her allies ahead. If you love playing champions with good solo carry potential, then she might be the one for you!
What makes her so strong is that she can gank a lot in the early game. Strong early-game Junglers are preferred over late-game scaling ones, as gaining an early lead can lead to a swift victory or early enemy FF. Furthermore, playing a champion who can solo carry the game, such as Rek’Sai, is really good!
Rek’Sai Jungle Mid-Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Rek’Sai is not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- She has a 53.56% win rate right now. This makes her one of the better Junglers to play on this patch.
- She isn’t the most popular Jungler around as she only has a .3.34% pick rate.
- But with that in mind, she does have a 5.08% ban rate.
- In Emerald +, she was played 69,000 times.
2. Ivern
Ever since the start of Season 14, Ivern has been a great pick, even though he is not played nearly as much as he should be. Ivern is a utility Jungler but also a great skirmishing champion too. In team fights, he is great because he can provide a lot of utility for his allies to keep them alive for longer.
Another benefit to Ivern is that as he is a utility champion and provides healing and shields. This means his allies can pick champions that are either tanks or damage dealers in the Support role. The added healing and shielding will be very useful in team fights and for protecting your teammates.
Ivern Jungle Mid-Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, he is not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Ivern has a 53.56% win rate on patch 14.8.
- I guess players truly underestimate Ivern, or don’t like his play style. He only had a 1.6% pick rate
- Also, no one bans Ivern. He only had a 0.68% ban rate.
- In Emerald +, she was played 33,,000 times.
3. Viego
The third champion we recommend you to play this patch is Viego. Viego can be a very strong Jungler due to his strong skirmishing power and early-game dominance. If he gets an early kill, he can also snowball quite quickly and increase his lead dramatically. Sound like a champion you would enjoy? Why not give him a go on this patch!
Virgo is really strong in those early fights and skirmishes. He can fight the enemy Jungler for that first scuttle crab and those early void grubs. Outside of this, he has great objective control and is really good at taking drakes, rift heralds and much more. Don’t fear invading and trying to fight the enemy Jungler or steal away their camps.
Viego Jungle Mid-Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Viego is not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Viego has a 51.81% win rate right on patch 14.8!
- He is one of the more popular Jungler’s in LoL right now. He had a 13.04% pick rate. Which is really high for a Jungler in LoL!
- But with that in mind, players ban Viego a lot. He had a 5.6% ban rate.
- In Emerald +, he was played 266,000 times.
4. Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao is one of the best beginner Junglers in the game and if you’re trying to become a better Jungler, now is the best time to pick it up by playing Xin Zhao. In the current meta, he is very strong, and if you can get 1 kill, you can take over the game and be a mega threat to the enemy.
Carry Junglers, or Junglers that are strong skirmishers, are clearly strong in the current meta. So is taking those major objectives like the void grubs, rift heralds and dragons. Xin Zhao can solo all those objectives quite easily. Similarly, he is really good at fighting anyone who he comes into contact with. When playing as Xin, you can just keep fighting the enemy if you land your W on them!
Xin Zhao Jungle Mid-Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Xin Zhao is not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- Xin Zhao has a 52.4% win rate.
- His play rate is quite good for a Jungler. His play rate was 5.27%
- Xin’s ban rate is super low. It’s only 1.19%
- In Emerald +, he was played 108,000 times.
5. Kindred
The final champion on our list is Kindred. Kindred is a new champion to our tier list articles and we’ve not really recommended her before. However, that doesn’t means she has been performing poorly all year. On this patch, we recommend anyone to give her a go if you like playing those ranged Junglers.
She might not be the strongest champion, but if you can get a few kills on her early and quickly obtain your first item, you can soon snowball from there. You should look to pick up easy kills and gank enemies who are overextended or mispositioned. Don’t forget those objectives or stacks, though! Kindred needs to get stacks to become stronger and stronger!
Kindred Jungle Mid-Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Kindred is not getting any buffs or nerfs in this patch.
- She has a 52.17% win rate on patch 14.8.
- Kindred is quite an unpopular Jungler. She only has a 3.86% pick rate.
- Similarly, she is an unpopular ban too: sitting at 2.92%.
- In Emerald +, she was played 79,000 times.
In Conclusion
That sums up our article on the top 5 Junglers you could play on this patch. What do you think of our list? Is there an underrated champion you would recommend us to try? Let us know below!
Head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for patch 14.9 for more recommendations.
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