5 S-Tier Top Laners to Climb With in Patch 14.7
The Top lane in League of Legends is often seen as an island, but that isn’t the case anymore. However, you should still play champions that can handle their own and do not rely on their team as much. This will not only increase your chances of winning and climbing, but also your chances of solo carrying.
In this article, we will tell you who we recommend playing in the Top Lane on patch 14.7 to make climbing easier in LoL. If you wish to master any of these champions or learn to play anyone else in LoL, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page for more!
Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.7.
1. Darius
Darius is going to be our first recommendation for everyone to play on patch 14.7. Darius is a fantastic beginner friendly champion and great for those players who want to learn how to play the role. Darius can beat basically anyone who tries to fight him due to his Passive and his auto-attacks. His Passive forces his opponents to bleed, which means they’ll take a lot of additional damage for free.
If you want to abuse Darius in this patch, you need to play aggressive and look for aggressive trades whenever possible. Darius benefits heavily from extended trades with his Passive, W and auto attacks. Try to keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on so you can make those plays and chase the enemy down the long lane.
Darius Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Darius is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Darius had a 52.47% win rate on patch 14.6.
- He had a 8.89% pick rate on patch 14.6
- Darius is also one of the most banned top laners in LoL. We’ve discussed reasons why he is so annoying to deal with before, which is why his ban rate is 19.75%.
- In Emerald +, he was played 162,000 times.
2. Aatrox
The second champion on our list, who seems to have made an appearance on every patch recommendations lately, is Aatrox. Aatrox is a strong skirmishing top laner who can duel and fight anyone who tries to fight him in and outside of the lane. Any small advantage the Aatrox can gain can quickly snowball into a much larger lead.
When playing Aatrox, you need to limit test and play aggressively whenever possible. You should look to play around the enemies cooldowns to gain health advantages and leads. From gaining a health lead, you can look for all-ins with the help of your Jungler, or try to kill the enemy on your own. Like Darius, and some of the other champions on our list, one kill on Aatrox can let you snowball really fast!
Aatrox Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Aatrox is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Aatrox had a 51.05% win rate at the time of writing this article.
- With such a good win rate, he also has a high pick rate. His pick rate is currently 12.20%.
- He is quite popular, so people ban him often too. He had a 17.31% ban rate.
- In Emerald +, he was played 222,000 times.
3. Urgot
Urgot is the 3rd champion on our list, and he is a “new” champion to our list, but he is shown to be a good champion recently in the top lane. With nerfs to other strong top laners, he is now even stronger than before as is harder matchups will be slightly easier.
Urgot is a ranged champion who can abuse all the melee champions in the lane. He can harass them with his Q and basic attacks whenever they walk up to last hit minions or try to push. If the Urgot keeps the wave closer to his side of the map early on, then he can easily all-in them or zone them away from farm, which will greatly increase his lead in the lane.
Urgot Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Urgot is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- He had a very good win rate of 54.11%.
- Urgot isn’t a very popular champion. His pick rate was only 3.62%.
- No one really bans Urgot. He only had a 1.76% ban rate.
- In Emerald +, he was played 66,000 times.
4. Jax
Jax is back on our recommended picks for top laners in patch 14.7. Jax is a great option for those players who want to split push and constantly look to skirmish and fight with the enemy. After he has got some levels under his belt, he can look to all-in the enemy whenever they walk up to last hit minions.
During the mid and late game is where Jax truly shines though. With some items under his belt, he can keep appplying pressure to the enemy and split push. He can secure objectives quickly if the enemy leaves him uncontested, and when they do try to stop him, he can either fight them or disengage safely with his Q. While this is happening, his team can secure objectives like the Baron.
Jax Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Jax is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Jax’s win rate on patch 14.7 was 51.40%.
- His popularity has definitely changed lately, but with the nerfs coming to other strong top laners, his popularity this patch might increase.
- His ban rate is 13.30%. Let’s not forget that he is a jungler too, so this increases his ban rate.
- In the Top lane alone, Jax was played over 106,000 times in the Top Lane alone.
5. Renekton
Last but definitely not least is Renekton. Renekton is back on our list and is another lane-dominant top laner that we recommend you pick up and play on patch 14.7! Like everyone else on our list, the crocodile is a great skirmishing champion and can constantly look for all-ins throughout the laning phase.
When he gets a small lead or blows the enemy’s Flash, Renekton can constantly look to all-in the enemy and fight them. When Renekton gets a lead, it can be so difficult for anyone to lane against them as he can just all-in over and over again. As Renekton, learn wave management and then abuse it to gain kill after kill.
Renekton Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Renekton is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- The crocodile had a 51.84% win rate on patch 14.6.
- I am surprised on how low his pick rate is in all honestly. At the time of writing this article, it is only 8.34%.
- However, he does have a 5.51% ban rate. Which is expected for a lane-dominant champion.
- He was played over 151,000 times this patch.
Final Thoughts
That about sums up our article on our recommendations for patch 14.7. What do you think of the top lane meta right now? Let us know below. If none of these champions suit your fancy, head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for patch 14.7 for more recommendations.
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