5 OP Mid Laners for Patch 14.7
The Mid lane is one of the most diverse roles in League of Legends. There are more champions being played in the Mid lane more than ever. This is great for a lot of players who get bored of playing the same champion over and over again.
But a drawback of there being so many champions in this game mode is that it can be quite hard or confusing to know who to pick when you have so many options available to you. So in this article, we will consolidate our 5 recommendations for you to play on this patch. If you wish to master any of these champions or learn to play anyone else in LoL, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page for more!
Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.7.
1. Taliyah
The first champion we recommend on our list this patch is Taliyah. Taliyah is a new pick for us, but that doesn’t mean she is all of a sudden good. Taliyah has been a consistent mid-laner for some time now. On patch 14.7, we recommend that you give her ago due to her strong laning phase and kill pressure.
She has good poke and wave clear throughout all stages of the laning phase. She can also try to make plays and set up her Jungler with her CC tool too. Post 6, she can roam around the map and use her Ultimate to collapse on isolated or over extended targets. While her Ultimate isn’t as strong as some other mid-laners in combat, she is still a great champion!
Taliyah Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Taliyah is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- She has an above 50% win rate right now. Her win rate is currently 52.53%.
- She isn’t the most popular champion in the mid-lane. She only has a 4.56% pick rate.
- No one really bans Taliyah. Her ban rate is only 3.75%.
- In Emerald +, she was played 120,000 times.
2. Akshan
Akshan is a very versatile champion in League of Legends. Maining him could be a great option for players, as he can be played in the top, mid and ADC roles in LoL. This is ideal as maining him will make you great in all 3 lanes. Akshan is a dominant champion who can constantly bully and harass the enemy throughout the laning phase.
In Low Elo, you will often find yourself against melee champions like Zed or Yasuo. Akshan can do really well against some melee champions as he has the range advantage and can constantly bully them down. Outside of the laning phase, he has strong roaming potential due to his invisibility, and let’s not forget to mention how strong his Passive can be in a team fight.
Akshan Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Akshan is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- He has a very good win rate of 53.94% right now.
- However, while Akshan is a great ranged AD champion, not many people play him. In the mid lane, his play rate was only 2.53%.
- But he does have a ban rate of 4.97%. However, it is important to note that this ban rate is higher than usual because he is also played in the top lane and is a direct counter to some champions who are played there.
- In Emerald +, he was played 67,000 times.
3. Ahri
The third champion on our list is one of the most popular Mid Laners in LoL right now. Ahri is a great pick for players wanting to learn the role as she is a forgiving champion who can help you learn trading patterns, wave management and much more.
Ahri’s kill potential is quite high throughout all stages of the game. When she has a few levels under her belt, she can start to play aggressive. Post 6, she can look for aggressive all-ins, or look to roam around the map and help her allies. Outside of the laning phase, she also has insane pick potential as she can hide in bushes and wait for the enemy to walk past her before blowing them up.
Ahri Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Ahri is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Ahri has a great win rate on patch 14.6. Her current win rate is 53.49%.
- She is one of the most popular champions in the mid lane right now. Her pick rate was 16.75%.
- She is also a heavily contested champion. She is either pick or ban, and her ban rate is currently 17.18%.
- In Emerald +, she was played 440,000 times.
4. Kassadin
Kassadin, also known Kassawin is the fourth champion we recommend that you play. He is byfar the weakest early game champion on our list, but as long as you survive the early game and do not fall behind, then you can become a monster in the later parts of the game. He is really strong at level 16, and you’re basically guaranteed to hit this level in LoL right now.
He is a great pick in the Mid lane right now as he is a counter to a lot of matchups and strong champions in LoL. He can blow up and abuse squishy champions who are being played across the board. In the late game, his Ultimate will be on such a low cooldown that he can chase those enemies down and kill them quickly.
Kassadin Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Kassadin is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Kassawin’s current win rate is 53.22%.
- He isn’t the most popular champion in the mid-lane, but he does have an 5.76% pick rate.
- However, Kassadin does have a high ban rate right now. His ban rate is 10.73%. The reason people ban him is because he is a late game monster, and a direct counter to some OP champions like Katarina.
- In Emerald +, he was played 150,000 times.
5. Sylas
The final champion on our list is Sylas. Sylas can be a lane-dominant Mid Laner on patch 14.7. He is a unique champion but once you master his play style, then you can quickly find yourself picking up a ton of kills and exploiting Sylas’ strengths.
One of Sylas’ major strengths is his Ultimate which he can use to steal away enemy’s Ultimates. If he can steal away a great team fighting Ultimate like Amumu, Malphite or even Zyra, he can greatly damage the whole enemy team. Sylas is probably the hardest champion to learn on our list, but if you put in the work, you can climb pretty quickly!
Sylas Mid Patch Data
- According to the patch preview, Sylas is not getting any buffs or nerfs this patch.
- Sylas has a pretty good win rate at the moment. His win rate is 52.16%.
- He isn’t as popular as some champions in the mid-lane, but he does have a 7.23% pick rate.
- Sylas does have a high-ish ban rate right now compared to some champions in LoL. His ban rate is 7.26%.
- In Emerald +, he was played 190,000 times.
Final Thoughts
The Mid Lane role has so many different champions being played there, that it can be hard to choose which champion you want to main. It is best to play a champion who is both strong and who you enjoy at the same time. If none of these champions suit your fancy, head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for patch 14.7 for more recommendations.
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