League of LegendsLoL Tier List

Best Top Laners For Season 14 Patch 14.6 of League of Legends

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This list of Top Laners may be outdated. We’ve updated our list of the best Top Laners for Patch 14.7, which you can find here.

5 S-Tier Top Laners to Climb With in Patch 14.6

We are already on the 6th patch of the brand-new Season of League of Legends, and what a rollercoaster it has been so far. This Patch, expect to see the continuation of the dominant Top laners being played in basically all your games.

In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the best picks you can play in the Top Lane to help you climb in Patch 14.6 of League of Legends. If you want to learn how to play any of these champions or any other champion in League of Legends, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page for tips and tricks for every champion in LoL!

Don’t see your favourite champion on our list? See where we rank them on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.6.

1. Darius

The first pick for climbing in the Top Lane this patch is Darius. He’s a great champion for beginners or those in lower ranks as he’s easy to play and can beat most opponents in the lane. It is better to pick champions with good solo carry potential as you will not rely on your teammates to carry you.

Darius’s Passive is really handy because it makes his opponents bleed, dealing extra damage over time. To do well with Darius, focus on fighting for extended periods in the lane. Try to push your limits and take on fights whenever you can, especially if the enemy gets too aggressive.

Darius Splash Crop Dunkmaster

Darius Mid Patch Data

  • Darius is not getting any buffs or nerfs on this patch, so he will remain as one of the better picks going forward.
  • On patch 14.5, his win rate was 0%.
  • Darius is a fairly popular Top laner, with a 0% pick rate right now.
  • As he is relatively popular and has quite an annoying play style, people ban him a lot. This is why he has a 0% ban rate.
  • In Emerald+, Darius was played a total of 0 times.

2. Aatrox

The second champion on our list is Aatrox. Aatrox is a great snowballing champion who, with a small lead, can abuse his advantage to get kill after kill and be a constant threat to the enemy. If you’ve been watching our lists recently, you would’ve seen how much Aatrox has been dominating lately.

Aatrox is a strong laner who always has lane priority and objective control, meaning he can quickly rotate to the Grubs if needed. He can also look to all-in the enemy, zone them away from farm and overall make the enemy’s laning phase a real pain in the butt. Like the sound of this? Give Aatrox a go on this Patch.

Aatrox Mid Patch Data

  • Once again, Aatrox has spared the patch notes and isn’t getting any direct nerfs or buffs on this patch.
  • While Aatrox’s win rate isn’t the best compared to other champions, at 50.91%, that doesn’t mean if you main him, you’re going to be worse off compared to another player.
  • At the time of writing this article, Aatrox had a very high pick rate of 13.05%, so he is quite popular.
  • Aatrox has one of the highest ban rates of any Top Laner. In my opinion, if a champion gets banned so much like Aatrox does (sitting at 17.28%), then he must be strong or annoying to play against.
  • In Emerald+, Aatrox was played over 300,000 times.

3. Fiora

The next champion on our list is going to be Fiora. Fiora is one of the strongest duelling champions in the game and she can constantly fight the enemy whenever they walk up to farm or overextend.

If you want to climb in LoL, it is best for you to play strong champions with good carry potential. Fiora is one of those champions and works well with an aggressive player with an aggressive mindset. A general tip for abusing Fiora is to understand and learn wave management so you can exploit your eagerness to play aggressively.

Fiora Mid Patch Data

  • Fiora is another champion who will not be getting any buffs or nerfs. So she will remain quite strong and popular with this patch!
  • Fiora has a pretty good win rate right now. She is sitting at 52.65%, which is higher than most champions in this role.
  • She has a lower pick rate compared to Darius and Aatrox who are the champions we have seen so far. She is sitting at 5.40%.
  • Her ban rate is 10.08% though. There are 2 reasons I feel it is so high. 1, with a small lead, she can take over the game and 2, her kit, which has a lot of tools that allow her to engage or prevent all-ins.
  • She has played a total of 125,000 times so far at the time of writing this article.

4. Urgot

A new champion on our list this time is Urgot. Urgot has shown a good performance recently in the Top Lane and can be a great snowballing champion too. He is the perfect mix of damage dealer and tank, too, so he can deal a lot of damage will soaking a lot of damage too.

Urgot is a fun ranged champion. As most champions right now are melee, he can abuse them with his range advantage. With the likes of Vayne being nerfed and some of his best counters not being played as much, combined with his good itemisation, he can throw around any enemy champion in the Top Lane right now!

Fright Night Urgot Splash Crop

Urgot Mid Patch Data

  • Urgot is a champion whom Riot rarely touches as he is either OP or weak. Expect him to get nerfed soon.
  • He has a rather good win rate of 54.39%. This is good compared to some of the other champions who are played in this lane.
  • Also, his pick rate is slightly higher compared to some champions in this role. He has a 3.74% pick rate.
  • Just like Camille, Urgot isn’t ban-worthy at all. He has a 1.48% ban rate, and there are many other better bans.
  • In Emerald+, Urgot played a total of 86,000 games. I expect his popularity to increase in the future.

5. Camille

Camille is the final champion on our list, and unfortunately, she is one of the hardest Top Laners to play right now. However, if you put a lot of effort into learning her, you will see yourself climbing in no time. If you understand every matchup, and wave management, too, you will beat anyone in lane.

Her strengths really come from her ability to trade with the enemy and get kills, especially if you’re good at understanding trading patterns. Camille is also a direct counter to many of the other strong Top Laners right now, so you can counter them and win the lane!

IG Camille Splash Crop

Camille Mid Patch Data

  • Camille is in a really good state right now, and she isn’t receiving any direct buffs or nerfs.
  • She has a decent win rate in the Top Lane right now of 52.29%. She is also being played in the Support role a bit too.
  • She has a very low pick rate of 2.64%. I believe her difficulty is one of the big things holding her pick rate back, as she is really hard.
  • There is no real point in banning Camille. I think there are so many better bans than her. She has a 2.52% ban rate right now.
  • Finally, she was picked a total of 61,000 times this patch.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, climbing in Season 14 can be easier by picking any of these champions. We’ve listed just 5, but plenty of other good Top Laners are available.

Want to see what other champions will dominate this patch? Head over to the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 14.6.