League of LegendsLoL Tier List

Best ADCs For Season 13 Patch 13.24

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5 Strongest ADCS to Carry With in Patch 13.24

We are on the final sprint to the end of the Season, and now is your final chance to climb in League of Legends at hit those end-of-season goals. One way you can do this is by picking the best champions for the job, which is where this article comes into play!

In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the best ADC champions you can pick right now in League of Legends. We will discuss whose strong and why they’re strong and provide you with a build to help you get started.

If you want to learn more tips on how to play as any of these champions, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page.

There are some other strong S-tier picks this patch. You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.24. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, all servers and all ranks.


The first champion on our list is Twitch. Twitch is a versatile ADC whose strengths come from extended and frequent skirmishes with the enemy. Twitch’s passive and E are both incredibly strong abilities that can turn the tide of any fight.

Twitch doesn’t need long to come online. He is strong early on, and strong in the mid game and in team fights too. His AOE Ultimate enables him to deal a ton of damage to multiple targets at once.

Twitch’s win rate on Patch 13.24 was 51.8% in 700,000 games.


The second champion on our list is Ashe. If you’ve been reading some of our recent articles on the best champions to climb with in League of Legends, then you may have noticed that Ashe has been a consistent factor of our lists.

Ashe’s ability to get picks and win skirmishes is unmatched thanks to her Ultimate and her Q. Post 6, she can throw out her Ultimate to set up her Jungler or enable her Support to follow up. In extended trades, where she can stack her Q, she can be really strong too.

In Patch 13.24, Ashe achieved a win rate of 51.3% in 1,600,000 games.


One of the most champions in the game is Ezreal. The reasons why he is so popular is because of his kit, and also how many skins he has in the game. One additional reason why people are playing him so much is because how strong he is in the current meta.

He is a really good champion in the current meta as he does well with a lot of the meta Supports right now. He can play well with hard engage champions, as he has good follow-up damage, but he can also play with utility champions as they can empower him. All-in-all, a lot of meta Supports perform well with Ezreal.

On Patch 13.24, Ezreal had a 50.6% in 3,410,000 games.


The fourth champion on our list, who happens to be one of the hardest ADCs to play in the game, is Vayne. Vayne is quite difficult due to her kiting and how her champion is designed. However, if you try to learn Vayne, you can carry with her easily.

As League of Legends games tend to last a bit longer, it gives her time to scale and become stronger. At level 16, she will put the final point in her Ultimate, which means her empowered auto-attacks will deal a lot more damage.

Vayne’s win rate on Patch 13.24 was 52% in 1,610,000.


The final champion on our list is Swain. There are quite a few decent AP Mages in the bottom lane right now, and Swain is one of them. After Ziggs nerf recently, Swain has become stronger and is able to face of against all of the other S tier picks.

One of Swain’s strengths is how strong he is in team fights and how tanky he can be. In team fights, Swain has a lot of sustain and AOE damage, while also being quite tanky at the same time. This is good as it makes him hard to kill while dealing a lot of damage.

And finally, Swain’s win rate on Patch 13.24 was 54.2% in 100,000 games.

Final Thoughts

And that wraps up our article on the best ADCs to climb with this patch in League of Legends. Make sure you pick one of these champions if you enjoy them, so you have a higher chance of climbing this patch!

You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.

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