League of LegendsLoL Tier List

Best Supports For Season 13 Patch 13.23

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5 S-tier Supports in Patch 13.23

In Patch 13.23, Supports are solid, with various champions dominating the Support meta. Pick one of these strong S-Tier Supports if you want to climb in this Patch of League of Legends.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss 5 of the best Supports you should be playing in Patch 13.23 if you haven’t already! These Supports are solid, so make sure you play them if you want to climb in Patch 13.23.

If you want to learn more tips on how to play as any of these champions, head over to the Mobalytics’ Champion Page.

There are some other strong S-tier picks this patch. You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.23. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, all servers and all ranks.


After Janna’s recent changes, she has remained in a good state with her new playstyle. If you don’t know, she recently received major changes to her kit. It’s similar to how she used to be played, and now she can be played a little more aggressively.

I would recommend you play this champion if you like utility champions as she is a good and consistent regardless of ELO and whether she is ahead or behind. I never good thing about Janna is that she has a lot of tools to help keep her teammates alive, which is ideal for a Support.

Janna’s win rate on Patch 13.23 was 50.3% in 655,000 games.


Rakan is no stranger to our list. He has been dominating professional League of Legends for a long time now and that domination has continued into Solo Queue. In League of Legends, hard engage supports are extremely strong, and he is the first one on our list.

What makes him really good is how much utility he has in his kit. For instance, he has a heal, a shield, and multiple forms of crowd control. This is ideal in a game because you can keep your allies alive but also engage and make plays. A good Rakan player will be constantly looking for picks, so do the same if you want to climb.

In Patch 13.23, Rakan achieved a win rate of 51.4% in around 1,246,000 games.


Coming in at 3rd on our list is Maokai. He has been a decent support for a little while now, and it is about time that we put him on our list of best Supports to climb with. Is overall tankiness and the amount of CC he has in his kit are two major factors as to why you should be playing Maokai this patch.

If you want to master him, play aggressively and understand when you should and shouldn’t be trading. However, you need to make plays and get to kills with him. If you do not play aggressively, then you shouldn’t be playing him.

On Patch 13.23, Maokai had a 53% win rate in 237,000 games.


Blitzcrank has been an S-tier pick for a long time due to his nature of making plays and getting kills consistently. A good Blitzcrank can take over the game and make the laning phase nearly impossible to play. If he burns an enemy Flash early on, then it will be very difficult for them to survive against him.

You have to try your luck when playing this champion. You need to look for plays frequently to ensure your team can get kills. However, your Q does cost a lot of mana, so you need to be careful about wasting it. Good times to throw out this ability is after the enemy has mispositioned, used their dash, or when they’ve over extended.

Blitzcrank win rate on Patch 13.23 was 51.2% in 1,144,000 games.


Thresh is a versatile engage champion that has been dominating games for several years now. As we said earlier, hard engage champions are extremely strong. Thresh is very strong and has great playmaking potential as one hook can result in an early kill.

However, Thresh can be extremely squishy and he is prone to all-ins. So it is important that you are constantly watching your positioning in the laning phase so you don’t get caught out and die. Furthermore, you need to understand how to roam effectively so you don’t fall behind as a big issue Thresh players have is falling behind their lane opponents.

And finally, Thresh’s win rate on Patch 13.23 was 50.7% in 1,597,000 games.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to climb in this patch, pick one of these champions to increase your chances of winning games and climbing this patch. As always, if you did enjoy this guide, please let us know.

You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.