Master yourself, master the enemy
It should be no surprise that our Mobalytics team is passionate about numbers, stats, and analysis in gaming. We love playing with different sites and tools to really compare and explore what it means to be a better competitive gamer.
In Patch 8.15, Riot added a shiny new League of Legends stats tab within the client for summoners to understand their play. Our team is incredibly excited for this because it gives us more to play with and opens up a gateway for summoners who may not have otherwise been interested in tracking and learning from their numbers.
In this article, we’ll introduce you to this new tab, explain why tracking your stats makes you a better player, and how to use the Mobalytics GPI to go deeper in combination with the stats tab.
Why understanding your League of legends stats makes you a better player
As you play ranked matches throughout your climb, there are two main stories which you encounter in regards to evaluating your play: what you thought happened, and what actually happened in reality. Now, I don’t mean to fire shots here necessarily but it’s human nature to be biased toward your own abilities (check out our article on the Dunning-Kruger effect for more on this).
Many players will often think that they are playing well almost every match and that their teammates are the ones to blame for their losses. The good thing about stats is that they are cold and merciless – they do not sugarcoat. You may think that you’re playing well but that eight deaths per game will tell you otherwise.
The best players use these numbers to help keep themselves honest and really isolate what’s going right or wrong in their matches. Players who lack this skill will climb less efficiently and be slower to improve since their perceptions will always be limited in comparison to their peers who use stats to augment their understanding.
How to use the stats tab
To access your stats within the client, simply click on your “Profile” section. There, you’ll see a breakdown of your champion pool’s recent matches according to your selected game mode. Right now, the available modes are Ranked solo/duo, Flex queue, Normal Draft, and Normal Blind. On the left side, you’ll see a graph which gives a basic overview of your play according to three areas of performance: Combat, Income, and Map Control. Combat represents your contributions related to damage and kills, Income relates to things like Gold and CSing, and Map Control covers gameplay aspects such as vision and objectives.
Selecting a champion will allow you to see each of these three main areas in more detail. Here’s how it expands for your reference:
Combat metrics
- KDA Ratio
- The ratio between kills and assists to deaths
- Kill Participation
- The ratio between your kills and assists to team’s total kills
- Utility Score
- Crowd control, team healing and team damage reduction
- Damage per Death
- Damage to enemy champions for each death
- Damage Share
- Your damage to enemy champions compared to your team’s total damage to champions
- Damage per Gold
- Damage to enemy champions for every 1 gold
- Early Gold Advantage
- Your gold earned versus your opponent’s at 15 minutes
- Early CS Advantage
- How many minions and neutral monsters you killed versus your opponent at 15 minutes
- CS per Minute
- Average minions and neutral monsters killed per minute
Map Control
- Objective Control Ratio
- The ratio of objectives you helped take compared to your team’s total objectives
- Vision Score per Hour
- Your contribution to vision control for your team and against the enemy team
- Roam Dominance Score
- How much you contributed to kills, deaths and assists in other lanes 15 min
- Kill Conversion Ratio
- How killing of enemy champions converts to taking objectives
For all of these values, you can see how you rank for that champion in relation to other players of your level on average. If you’re below the average in an area, you’re going to want to try to focus on improving in that area. If you’re doing well, try to maintain what allows you to perform in that aspect.
Once you understand what needs to be improved, it can be tough to know how to improve it based on the numbers alone. For example, you may want to improve your CSing before 15 minutes or learn how to improve your Roam Dominance, but how do you go about that? This is where Mobalytics comes in.
Our platform helps players to contextualize their numbers (sort of like a coach would) to help you understand the actions you need to take in order to get better. Numbers provide the who, what, and when, but don’t really provide the why and the how. Based on your numbers, you’ll receive a conclusion and advice or a recommended video or article based on what you should do to get better.
How to use the stats tab and Mobalytics to improve your performance
Using the three areas of performance presented in the stats tab, you can get an idea of where you’re doing well and where you can do better. Once you know where you want to improve, you can easily go deeper using Mobalytics and quickly improve! In this section, we’ll cover examples for each of the three.
Example 1: Combat
It’s no surprise that understanding your ability to fight is crucial in a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) like League of Legends. No matter your role, you will have to engage in combat eventually in order to win.
This area of play tends to be the one that draws the most “glory” since its stats are usually associated with mechanical skill and tend to be the most satisfying (who doesn’t love a good Triple, Quadra, or Pentakill?).
Knowing your stats like KDA and Damage Share are definitely useful, but they aren’t necessarily impactful if you don’t fully understand the circumstances around the numbers. What sort of fights do you get into? Where do you excel? Conversely, where do you do poorly and end up dying? What are the circumstances that usually lead to your deaths?
How to improve Combat with Mobalytics
If you’d like to improve in this area, the Aggression, Fighting, and Survivability Skills of the GPI are where you’ll want to be. These areas will cover the aspects of the tab’s Combat areas and add much more detail. Aggression
Our Aggression Skill goes beyond things like KDA and Kill Participation by evaluating your overall tendency to create action and taking control of the match. Aggressive players often lead with the initial strike by taking First Blood or First Turret and are able to snowball their leads to end a match.
If you’re lacking in Aggression, here’s an example of advice that the GPI may give you as an ADC:
“Position as close as possible and parallel to your Support. This will allow you to make favorable trades since you will be able to threaten and do damage at the same time as your ally. If the enemy bot lane isn’t doing the same, you can often trade 2v1 for easy damage or look for an all-in opportunity.”
Fighting analyzes your performance in all the different types of combat you’ll engage in on Summoner’s Rift: Duels, Picks, Skirmishes, and Teamfights. The GPI analyzes your performance to tell you the types of fights you excel in, the ones you struggle in, as well as how you tend to contribute in regards to your role (for example, if you’re a tank, how much damage do you tend to absorb?
Let’s say you’re a Top laner who struggles with knowing when to start 1v1 combat. Here’s what the GPI would tell you:
“Pay close attention to the exact minion you will be getting level 6 from as this is often a large power spike for most champions. Use this information to fool your opponent into thinking he is fighting a fair fight by starting your duel as the minion is about to die.”
In combat, sometimes you’re the hunter, and sometimes you’re the hunted. In dangerous situations, the best players are able to get out alive and even maximize the time and resources that the enemy uses to try to kill them. The Survivability Skill helps you understand the circumstances surrounding your death to help you learn and live next time.
Mid lane is a role which can be ganked from almost any direction, here’s some advice that the GPI would give to a Mid who struggled with surviving against ganks:
“The majority of players have tells when their Jungler is around. Some players suddenly become bold and aggressive after having been passive while others may start to play dumb to bait you into looking for an engage. The trick is to look for your opponent’s personality and react to their deviations.”
Example 2: Income
In League of Legends, Income represents power. More gold means better items, and better items give you more options (especially if you have more than your opponents). With a constant flow of minions from start to finish, it’s crucial to be able to farm and manage waves properly. Failing to do so will cause you to fall behind not only in terms of items, but also experience and power spikes.
The stats tab will help you understand how you collect gold throughout a match with emphasis on the early game. It also helps you understand how your gold spent converts (or doesn’t convert) into damage.
Although the included stats are great to know, they do not give the full story, especially since there really isn’t any way to gauge how you do in the mid and late game phases. It also sort of leave roles like Jungle and Support in the dark since the metrics are geared more towards traditional farming laners.
How to improve Income with Mobalytics
The GPI Skills that most relate to Income are Farming (no surprise) and Objectives. These are often interconnected because laners usually have to give up farm to contest objectives but objectives like Baron can eventually be used to make huge gains. Farming
The League of Legends stats tab examines the early game as the first 15 minutes, but what about the rest of your game? The GPI will not describe your performance across all phases of the match, but it will also tell you how efficient you were in farming the total amount of possible farm as well as your other sources of income.
It also includes some awesome metrics that are role specific, such as Counterjungling for Junglers and Support Item Income (Relic Shield, Spellthief, Ancient Coin) for Supports. Overall, these details are incredibly important for understanding how you’re prioritizing and gaining gold, especially when these roles don’t have access to traditional last-hitting.
Maintaining gold gain is important for everyone, Supports are no different. Here’s an example of advice that Farming would give an Ancient Coin Support main with low Income:
“Coins can sometimes drop in awkward places and some will be near impossible to pick up. If you’re struggling to grab them, look to adapt your playstyle. You can stick close to your ADC and work together to manage waves to pick up the coins more safely and more often.”
Baron, Dragons, and Rift Herald are pivotal ways to take control and win a game so it’s quite unfortunate that the Income portion of the League of Legends stats tab doesn’t account for how objectives contribute to gaining gold (among other things).
If you watch proplay, you may have heard of the “Baron power play”, basically the amount of gold that is achieved while a team has the Baron buff. Not only can the GPI’s Power Play score tell you the amount of gold that is gained while having a buff, but you’ll also be able to understand how many turrets and kills you tend to get.
By the way, we also take a look at Elder Dragon power plays – here’s an advice piece for a Jungler who may have trouble with making power plays with the Elder buff:
“Although Aspect of the Dragon isn’t as powerful as Baron for sieging towers, it can allow your team to poke extremely well. Use the additional damage to chunk out opponents to prep a dive or force them to retreat and you’ll be able to push your advantage further.”
Example 3: Map Control
With its three lanes and vast jungle, Summoner’s Rift is incredibly dynamic due to a large number of things happening at any given time around the map. It’s crucial that players fight for and establish vision because their enemies will be looking to roam to contest objectives or help other lanes.
The Map Control section of the tab illustrates gameplay factors related to things like vision, objectives, and roaming but really doesn’t give too much detail for each case. For example, it gives you a general idea of your contribution to controlling vision but you have no way of knowing how you do so.
The scores here, although very cool (“Roam Dominance” just sounds awesome), are quite vague and it’s kind of hard to understand how exactly to improve if you wanted to. The areas are just so nuanced that the more detail you have, the more you can do to isolate what you can do better.
How to improve Map Control with Mobalytics
To go deeper, you’re going to want to explore the Vision, Objectives, and Aggression (yes, again), portions of the GPI. These areas will give you a comprehensive view of how you tend to contribute to controlling the map’s areas and objectives, as well as your ability to roam and impact lanes beside your own. Vision
Imagine if you could enable a cheat that would allow you to get rid of fog of war and see the whole map in its entirety. The way you play, and the decisions you make would probably change, right? Although it’s sort of the “dirty work” of League, it is necessary in order to give your team the best shot to win.
The GPI scores in the Vision Skill will tell you useful details such as how often you’re warding throughout the early, mid, and late game. You’ll know how often you buy Control Wards and how often you use them and other tools to deny the wards of the enemy team.
If you’re a laner who’s having trouble placing wards throughout the match, here’s an advice piece you’d potentially receive from the GPI:
“It’s easy to get picked off solo when you’re warding enemy territory. Use your own judgment, but only go for deep wards when you can account for at least 4 of your 5 opponents. You can take more risk walking blind into their turf if you’re positive that their most dangerous threats aren’t on your side of the map.”
Map control is usually dictated by the most pro-active players in the game. The players who simply roam, gank, and rotate make things happen by influencing lanes other than their own.
The GPI’s Aggression Skill can help you understand how much of an impact you’re having on the map through the Ganking score which analyzes your total ganks and your participation in the total percentage of ganks.
A player who’s learning how to jungle and may be struggling with pulling off successful ganks would likely be given advice such as:
“Be careful when you’re ganking! You should have a mental checklist to go through every time you’re considering one. Where is the enemy Jungler? Does the champ I’m ganking have their ultimate? Do they have their summoner spells up? Repeatedly go through this sort of mental checklist so you can anticipate and execute ganks more cleanly.”
The client stats tab tells you whether or not you contribute to Objectives but it doesn’t give you any details about the actual objectives themselves. The GPI will not only tell you whether or not you do, but also tell you which types of objectives that you prioritize based on your role (Barons, Rift Heralds, Dragons, and towers).
Just to give you an idea of how much detail we give, your Dragons score will even describe the percentage of all the different elemental Dragon types that you take! Here’s an example of advice that a Mid laner might receive if they struggled in contributing to taking Dragons.
“One way of setting up before trying to take a Dragon is by bursting someone such as the enemy Mid or bot laners. If you’re successful, they’ll be forced to Recall and allow you to potentially take the objective with a numbers advantage.”
Closing Thoughts
At the end of the day, improving is an ongoing quest to seek knowledge and act upon the things you learn. Whether it’s by taking notes while watching a pro-player kick ass with your main, finding a coach or mentor to show you the ropes, or using stat tools like the League of Legends tab and Mobalytics to teach yourself how to improve, if you have the desire to climb you can! If you have the motivation, your League match history will only improve in time.
Our team truly believes that Mobalytics is the fastest way to learn what you do well and what you can improve in. From the get-go, we wanted to make a tool for stat-heads and stat-noobs alike. If you don’t know how to contextualize the numbers yourself, the platform can do it for you.
We’ve had players go from Bronze to Gold, Silver to Plat, Plat to Diamond, and even had a case where a first time ranked player achieved Silver 2 in their very first placements using our tool. If it can work for them, it can work for you.
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions regarding the article, as always, hit us up on our Discord. To try out the GPI, just head to to get started, it’s free!
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