Teamfight TacticsMeta

Teamfight Tactics Meta: Best Comps and Builds for TFT Set 11 (Patch 14.8)

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Best TFT Comps for Patch 14.8 (Set 11)

Welcome to our article where we cover the best TFT team comps for the current patch. My name is Alan and I’ve peaked Challenger in multiple TFT sets. Our team constantly works with top players like Frodan to analyze the meta and compile the best comps.

The second patch of Set 11 is here, and overall, there are quite a bit of changes. Some champs like Yone received the nerf hammer, while others are getting some love.

Even now, some comps are still being discovered and optimized, so let’s jump into the tier list.

Be sure to check out our fully updated Tier List as things may change slightly over the coming days. You can also check out our Stats page to see what comps are performing well across all players.

State of the Metagame

Here’s a quick look at the meta comps. In the parenthesis will be the comp breakdown. Click our Table of Contents to the right to jump to them.

  • S-tier: Ghostly Duo (Kayn/Morgana Carry)
  • S-tier: Tea Party (Porcelain Invoker Ashe)
  • S-tier: Fated Wizards (Fated Syndra Carry)
  • S-tier: Fast 9 FLEX (Bill Gates Comp)
  • S-tier: Dryhard (Gnar/Kindred Dryad Reroll)
  • S-tier: Porcelain Arrows (Porcelain/Warden Ashe Carry)
  • S-tier: Beefy Ricochets (Trickshot Bruiser)
  • A-tier: Midnight Siphon (Yorick Reroll)
  • A-tier: Ghost Busters (Senna/Shen Reroll)
  • A-tier: Mythic Rolls (Mythic Reroll Cho’Gath/Kog’Maw)
  • A-tier: Dragonshields (Janna Reroll)
  • A-tier: Dusk-Fates (Aphelios Reroll)
  • A-tier: Mythic Lullaby (Mythic Invoker)
  • A-tier: Tale of Kayle (Storyweaver Vertical)
  • A-tier: Monk & Monkey (Heavenly Sage)
  • A-tier: Mythic Meeps (Bard/Tahm Kench Mythic Reroll)
  • A-tier: Porcelain Mages (6 Arcanist Porcelain Lux Carry)
  • A-tier: Ethereal Blades (Shen Reroll)
  • A-tier: Ultimate Flex (Kayn/Morgana/Sylas Flex)
  • A-tier: Warden Wall (Gnar/Senna Reroll)
  • A-tier: Deadly Duelists (Vertical Duelists)
  • A-tier: True Inkborns (Inkshadow Vertical)
  • A-tier: Heavenly Reaper (Yone Heavenly)
  • B-tier: The Hateful Fate (Yasuo/Ahri Fated Reroll)
  • B-tier: To the Moon (Yone/Alune Umbral Reroll)
  • B-tier: Deadly Dumplings (Teemo Trickshot/Bruiser Reroll)
  • B-tier: Arcane Power (8 Arcanists)
  • B-tier: Powerpuff Girls (Zoe Sage Reroll)
  • M-tier: Lucky Fortune (Fortune Azir Carry)

TFT Best Team Comps

NOTE: These team comps will be accurate when we publish at the beginning of the patch but are constantly updated by our experts.

If you visit in between patch releases, there may be a slight lag time for when the blog is updated to match it so be sure to check our official website’s TFT team comp page for the most up-to-date info.

tft meta comps download banner

S-tier: Ghostly Duo (Kayn/Morgana Carry)

TFT Set 11 Heavenly Kayn Morgana Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Ghostly Duo]

Team Comp Description:

Kayn and Morgana are two 4-cost Ghostly units that use AD and AP items respectively. This makes them a strong pair to play together in a team comp.

Last patch, we saw Yone and Kayn played with Heavenly to buff them up to crazy strength. With the nerfs to Yone, Kayn and Morgana are now the two units to pair with Heavenly instead. This comp is very similar to the Heavenly Yone, but performs a bit better in this current patch.

S-tier: Tea Party (Porcelain Invoker Ashe)

TFT Set 11 Porcelain Invoker Ashe Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Tea Party]

Team Comp Description:

This comp is a bit of a newer comp that has risen up this patch. In 14.8, 4-cost carrys were buffed a bit, giving room for units like Ashe and Lillia to shine.

This comp is able to utilize both of them as backline carrys and fill out the rest of the comp with strong units. Porcelain provides a lot of combat value, and Invoker also provides mana for the whole team.

This synergizes with Porcelain units that want to cast their abilities frequently.

You’ll be missing a trait before you reach level 9, but that can also be fixed by having an Emblem like Invoker or Porcelain.

S-tier: Fated Wizards (Fated Syndra Carry)

TFT Set 11 Fated Syndra Team Comp Patch 14.8

[How to play Fated Wizards]

Team Comp Description:

For our next team, we have a vertical Fated comp focusing on Syndra as the main carry.

This comp needs a bit more to cap since you want the Fated Emblem. 7 Fated really helps you hit a power spike as all of your Fated units will be buffed by a higher multiplier.

The comp plays with the standard leveling strategy, looking to hit Syndra at level 7/8 to carry the damage of the team. Aphelios can hold extra AD items or be your mid game carry to transition smoothly into the late game.

S-tier: Fast 9 FLEX (Bill Gates Comp)

TFT Set 11 Fast 9 Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Fast 9 FLEX]

Team Comp Description:

In every set, players always look for the strongest level 9 comp to win endgames. For this comp, we have Azir as the main AP carry, while Wukong and Udyr carry AD items. Lissandra is another strong unit to itemize, and Ornn will be the main tank.

Comps like these should be reserved for games where you are win streaking heavily or pick a strong economy Augment. Upgrading five 5-cost units is very expensive, so transitioning to this will require a lot of gold and fast roll downs.

S-tier: Dryhard (Gnar/Kindred Dryad Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Dryad Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Dryhard]

Team Comp Description:

Next up in the list, we have the Dryad reroll comp. This comp isn’t anything new, but with the new patch, we’re expecting this comp to move up the tier list.

This comp has a lot of reroll targets, but Kindred and Gnar are the core targets. Emblems can also further augment this comp, but they are not a requirement.

S-tier: Porcelain Arrows (Porcelain/Warden Ashe Carry)

TFT Set 11 Porcelain Ashe Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Porcelain Arrows]

Team Comp Description:

Another shift this patch is Ashe moving up the tier list.

For this comp, we have a traditional 4-cost carry with Ashe. Instead of going for Sniper 4, the comp instead goes for Porcelain 4. Lux and Lissandra help provide some additional damage, while Ashe is the main source of AD damage.

Amumu is the main tank as he will benefit from both the Porcelain damage reduction and the Warden trait.

S-tier: Beefy Ricochets (Trickshot Bruiser)

TFT Set 11 Trickshot Bruiser Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Beefy Ricochets]

Team Comp Description:

Kai’Sa with Bruisers became one of the best comps last patch, and we still expect it to do well this patch. The comp hasn’t really gone through any change, and it’s still strong.

You can level up normally and go for this comp, or you can open up with Fortune as well. It’s a consistent comp that many players enjoy playing.

A-tier: Midnight Siphon (Yorick Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Umbral Yorick Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Midnight Siphon]

Team Comp Description:

Moving on, we have a reroll Yorick comp based on the Augment “Midnight Siphon”. This Augment will grant him more Health and damage, turning him into a more powerful carry.

You will look to reroll for Yorick at level 6 and fill out the comp with Umbral and Behemoth units. Don’t go for this comp if you don’t find the Yorick specific Augment as he will be much weaker.

A-tier: Ghost Busters (Senna/Shen Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Ghostly Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Ghost Busters]

Team Comp Description:

Up next, we have another reroll comp, this time focusing on Senna and Shen. Aatrox is another strong 2-cost you can reroll for, but Shen and Senna are the priorities.

This comp utilizes the Ghostly 6 trait to buff up the damage of the entire team. The team also has a lot of strong carrys to hold items. If you have lots of items through your Augments or Encounters, this comp will benefit greatly.

A-tier: Mythic Rolls (Mythic Reroll Cho’Gath/Kog’Maw)

TFT Set 11 Mythic Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Mythic Rolls]

Team Comp Description:

Moving on, we have a reroll comp around 4 different 1-cost units. Caitlyn, Kog’Maw, Cho’Gath, and Malphite all synergize together, making them a strong core to reroll for.

The comp is simple to play, effective, and you can hyper roll early for a variety of different units. Cho’Gath and Kog’Maw are the priority to 3-star, with Malphite and Caitlyn being a nice bonus.

A-tier: Dragonshields (Janna Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Janna Team Comp Patch 14.8

[How to play Dragonshields]

Team Comp Description:

Up next, we have a reroll Janna comp, using the Dragonlord trait. With the Dragonlord units, we then activate other things like Sage, Storyweaver, and Altruist.

For this comp, we look to 3-star Janna, Riven, and Zyra. Janna is the priority, with Riven being a nice upgrade for frontline. If you don’t find Zyra, you can still look to push levels to add higher-cost units.

The same can be said if you only find Janna 3 early enough. Otherwise, try to hit multiple 3-star units before leveling up.

A-tier: Dusk-Fates (Aphelios Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Aphelios Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Dusk Fates]

Team Comp Description:

For this comp, we have Aphelios as the main reroll carry along with Thresh as a bonus reroll tank. We only go up to Fated 5 in this comp, as we want to add other traits like Sniper in as well.

In the late game, you can also look to replace Shen for a late game unit like Udyr/Ornn, but Shen will suffice for most of the game.

With a Fated Emblem, you can potentially look to go for 7 Fated with Ashe as your Emblem holder. You’ll need to drop Shen and add Yasuo/Kindred, but Fated 7 will be quite powerful.

A-tier: Mythic Lullaby (Mythic Invoker)

TFT Set 11 Mythic Invoker Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Mythic Lullaby]

Team Comp Description:

One major change this patch is Lillia moving up the tier list. We’ve showcased the 6 Invoker version in the past, but the comp didn’t fare too well.

With this patch, we’re expecting Lillia carry to be more consistent and strong. This version goes for 7 Mythic, but you can flex it depending on what Emblems you get or what Augments you get.

A-tier: Tale of Kayle (Storyweaver Vertical)

TFT Set 11 Storyweaver Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Tale of Kayle]

Team Comp Description:

Moving on, we have a Vertical Storyweaver comp that plays quite simply. You have Sivir to hold AD items early, but you’ll move them onto Irelia in the late game.

Zoe can hold AP items, and Galio is the main tank for the team.

If you have a Storyweaver Emblem, you can look to drop a unit like Garen/Zyra for another late game carry like Xayah or a tank like Sett/Udyr/Rakan.

A-tier: Monk & Monkey (Heavenly Default Comp)

TFT Set 11 Heavenly Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Monk & Monkey]

Team Comp Description:

For this comp, we have a Heavenly comp that isn’t a reroll comp. The comp uses carrys like Lee Sin for AD, Soraka for AP, and Wukong in the late game.

The main weakness of this comp is that you still end up using a lot of low-cost Heavenly units in the late game. While they provide a trait bonus for Heavenly, they don’t provide much by themselves.

A-tier: Mythic Meeps (Bard/Tahm Kench Mythic Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Bard Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Mythic Meeps]

Team Comp Description:

Moving on, we have a 3-cost reroll carry with Bard. Bard and Tahm Kench both are 3-cost Mythics, letting you reroll for them both at level 7.

Depending on the state of your game, it can be correct to reroll at 7 or to push for level 8. Storyweaver units like Riven and Sivir are also nice to play in the early game for a strong board. They stay in the comp as cheap ways to add traits like Bruiser, Trickshot, and Storyweaver.

A-tier: Porcelain Mages (6 Arcanist Porcelain Lux Carry)

TFT Set 11 Porcelain Lux Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Porcelain Mages]

Team Comp Description:

When it comes to the Arcanist trait, we’re currently seeing Lux carry stand out. You can go for an 8 Arcanist version, but this comp appears more consistent.

Lux is the main carry that you reroll for, with Amumu as your main tank and secondary reroll target. With the Porcelain Emblem, you can reach 4 Porcelain easily with 6 Arcanist, but an Arcanist Emblem would do the same. Simply drop Zoe for Ashe and make Thresh/Amumu/Ashe your Arcanist.

A-tier: Ethereal Blades (Shen Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Shen Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Ethereal Blades]

Team Comp Description:

This comp is a Shen reroll comp focused on the Augment “Ethereal Blades.” This makes it so your Shen is a ranged unit that deals true damage. With this, Shen becomes the main backline carry for your comp.

The rest of the team are Behemoth units to tank and stall the enemy team. This way your Shen can ramp up and clean the enemy team.

A-tier: Ultimate Flex (Kayn/Morgana/Sylas Flex)

TFT Set 11 Sylas Flex Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Ultimate Flex]

Team Comp Description:

This next comp also uses Kayn and Morgana as carries, but can also flex into Sylas as an item holder too. This can be a potential comp to go for if you’re planning on playing Kayn/Morg but find Sylas on your roll down.

The comp invests two unit slots into Sylas and Aatrox to make up the 4 Bruiser frontline instead of going into other traits like Dryad.

A-tier: Warden Wall (Gnar/Senna Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Gnar Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Warden Wall]

Team Comp Description:

Up next, we have another reroll comp with Senna, Gnar, and Aatrox as the main targets. Senna will your main backline damage while Gnar will be a mix between tank and damage.

The Warden trait will help keep Gnar alive longer, allowing his ability to scale stronger throughout the fight.

Aatrox is another good target to reroll for since all 3 of his traits are active in this comp.

A-tier: Deadly Duelists (Vertical Duelists)

TFT Set 11 Duelist Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Deadly Duelists]

Team Comp Description:

For this comp, we have a simple vertical Duelist comp using Tristana and Volibear as the main reroll carrys. You can reroll at level 7 for 3-stars or push to level 8 to complete the team comp.

Pick the path that best suits your situation. You also have Wukong and Irelia for the late game to itemize as well. If you have even more items, Lee Sin is a strong candidate as well.

A-tier: True Inkborns (Inkshadow Vertical)

TFT Set 11 Inkshadow Team Comp 14.8

[How to play True Inkborns]

Team Comp Description:

Compared to release, Inkshadow comps are in a much better spot than before. However, most players that go for Kai’Sa carry opt to play Trickshot + Bruiser instead of Inkshadow.

Even still, depending on what you find, this team comp can be a solid choice to transition into.

A-tier: Heavenly Reaper (Heavenly Reaper)

TFT Set 11 Heavenly Yone Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Heavenly Reaper]

Team Comp Description:

Heavenly Yone was one of the best comps last patch, and players were not happy. In general, backline access carrys are less fun to play against, and Yone has been nerfed quite substantially this patch.

The comp is still playable, but you’ll need to high roll more to reach the same results as you would have last patch.

B-tier: The Hateful Fate (Yasuo/Ahri Fated Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Ahri Yasuo Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play The Hateful Fate]

Team Comp Description:

Up next, we have a fairly straightforward vertical Fated comp. The carrys for this comp are Yasuo and Ahri, so you will reroll early to try and 3 star them. Darius is also a nice 3-star to have, but not necessary like the other two.

For this comp, Yasuo is actually given tank items rather than damage items. He can still output a good amount of damage while investing into tank items. Once you catch up in levels, you can add more carrys such as Syndra and Sett.

B-tier: To the Moon (Yone/Alune Umbral Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Umbral Team Comp 14.8

[How to play To the Moon]

Team Comp Description:

This next comp is a simple vertical Umbral comp, with Yone as the main carry. The comp hits a power ceiling at 6 Umbral, so you don’t want to just reroll at level 7, but level normally and look for 3-stars at 8.

An Umbral Emblem will also help reach Umbral (6) before finding Sett. With an Emblem, you can also look to drop Darius for a stronger late game unit.

With Yone’s recent nerf, this comp has unfortunately fallen into B tier.

B-tier: Deadly Dumplings (Teemo Trickshot/Bruiser Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Teemo Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Deadly Dumplings]

Team Comp Description:

Moving on, we have Teemo as the main carry with Trickshot to buff him up and Bruiser to make up the frontline.

This comp is essentially the same units as the Kai’Sa Bruiser comp, but we have Teemo as our carry instead. In all honesty, you’re better off playing around Kai’Sa, and simply putting extra AP items on Teemo as a 2-star unit.

Even still, if you luck into a Teemo 3, this comp can work and transition into the full Trickshot Bruiser comp.

B-tier: Arcane Power (8 Arcanists)

TFT Set 11 8 Arcanist Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Arcane Power]

Team Comp Description:

Up next, we have a vertical Arcanist comp, looking to play every Arcanist along with Amumu with Arcanist Emblem. This comp will deal a ton of AP damage, but can be lacking in terms of frontline and other utility.

For this comp, we have Lux as a potential reroll carry, with Syndra being the consistent 4-cost carry. You can decide between these two depending on what you find naturally in game.

Illaoi and Amumu are both strong units to try to 3-star. You can potentially stay level 7 and stick with 6 Arcanist to reroll for units like Illaoi and Lux. If you are able to hit level 8, you can then look to fit 8 Arcanist with the Emblem.

B-tier: Powerpuff Girls (Zoe Sage Reroll)

TFT Set 11 Zoe Reroll Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Powerpuff Girls]

Team Comp Description:

Once again, we have another reroll comp. This time, we focus on Zoe as the main carry, with Diana as the main tank and Soraka as a bonus reroll target.

This comp doesn’t go into any vertical, but splashes a lot of traits like Storyweaver, Sage, Dragonlord, and more. The Sage trait will buff up the entire backline, granting AP. This is especially useful when a majority of this comp consists of backline AP units.

M-tier: Lucky Fortune (Fortune Azir Carry)

TFT Set 11 Fortune Team Comp 14.8

[How to play Lucky Fortune]

Team Comp Description:

For the final comp on our list, we have an M-tier (meme) comp, Fortune. For this comp, you want to lose streak until you can cash out a lot of loot from the Fortune trait. You can then use this loot to level up and look for late game carries like Irelia and Azir.

As of right now, this strategy isn’t very strong, but it’s a fun strategy to go for if you find Fortune (3) early. If you try to force this comp, you may end up losing a lot of games, but the games you succeed will feel great.

Note: Fortune is actually a very powerful trait and strategy, but only if you use it as a transition. Many players will open with Fortune 3/5 and transition into Kai’Sa Trickshot Bruiser. This comp is simply an option if you want to keep Fortune the whole game and potentially even go for Fortune 7.


We evaluate compositions based on 3 key factors:

  • Consistency: How well does this comp perform from game to game and how reliably can you build towards it given a reasonable start?
  • Overall strength: If you do successfully complete the comp, how does it match up against other comps, especially those most prevalent in the meta?
  • Flexibility: Can you make tweaks and adjustments to the comp while events unfold differently in game? These events include item luck, roll luck, and enemy units.

The combination of these three factors allows us to define team compositions as S, A, or B. The ones that have all three will lean toward S, those that are pretty good but may be lacking in some areas will lean towards B.

More TFT Resources

This wraps up our best TFT Team Comps for the current patch.

Be sure to bookmark our site where we have the most updated information for our TFT champion tier list and all TFT items recommended for all champions. We also have a TFT Items tier list here, similar to this article.

That’s it for now! We’ll be making more team comp recommendations every week and for future patches. Let us know in the comments if we missed anything and good luck in your TFT matches!