The only support cheat sheet and tier list for TFT Set 14 - Cyber City you need! Learn items recipes and combinations easily. Get info during the game with our TFT Companion app.Each round: equip 2 random support items. Improves with player level! Consumes 3 item slots.
Combat start: Empower all allies in the columns behind the holder, granting 25% Attack Speed and 15 Armor and Magic Resist for 12 seconds.
Combat Start: Grant the holder and all allies within 1 hexes in the same row 15% Attack Speed and immunity to crowd control for 18 seconds.

Combat start: Grant 22 Ability Power and 10 Mana to the holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row.

When combat begins, the holder and all allies within 1 hexes in the same row gain the Crest of Cinders. Units with the Crest of Cinders empower their attacks to Burn their target for 7% of their maximum health as true damage and apply 33% Wound.

Combat Start: Grant 200 Health and 15% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

Combat start: The holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row gain a 250 damage shield and 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist for 20 seconds.

Every 4 seconds, grant a 55-325 Shield (based on stage) to the 2 lowest percent health allies for 4 seconds.

Your team deals 5% bonus damage. Each second the holder is alive, your team deals an additional 1% bonus damage, up to a total of 20%.

Attacks and Abilities 50% Shred and 50% Sunder enemies for 10 seconds. Grant your team 8% AD and 8 AP. Shred: reduce Magic Resist Sunder: reduce Armor

Combat start: Grant 30 Armor and 30 Magic Resistance to the holder and their adjacent allies.

Combat Start: Shoot a beam that 30% Mana Reaves enemies. Your team gains 60 Health.
Mana Reave: increase maximum Mana until the next cast.

Combat start: The holder and all adjacent allies gain 20% Attack Damage and 20 Ability Power.
When this unit dies, Stun all enemies within 2-hexes for 2 seconds.

While the holder is alive, all enemies are 33% Wounded, and all allies deal 8% more damage. This effect refreshes every 5 seconds.

When the holder dies, the 3 closest allies gain a temporary completed item.

Every 5 seconds, heal your team for 7% of their max Health. When the holder dies, the healing increases to 14% max Health and for 2 additional heals.

Combat start: Grant 30% Attack Speed to the holder and allies within 2 hexes in the same row.

Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds. Your team gains 8% Attack Speed.
(Ignores crowd control immunity.)

Combat start: Summon a large Voidspawn that Taunts nearby enemies.