All TFT Augments in Set 14 organized into three tiers. Choosing the right augments can really impact the course of your game. Make sure to know how they work and the order they may appear.Gain three 2-cost champions. If you 3-star two of them, gain an orb filled with loot. Gain 6 rerolls.
All your current and future Completed items transform into Guinsoo's Rageblades that grant 35 Armor and Magic Resist. Each stack also grants 1.5% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
Gain an Anima Squad Emblem and a Yuumi.
Your units gain 15 Mana on kill. Gain a completed item Anvil.
Gain a Bastion Emblem and a Galio.

Gain a Bastion Emblem, a Steadfast Heart, and an Illaoi.

Gain 4 Giant's Belts. Your Giant's Belts grant +90 bonus Health.

Combat start: Up to 4 champions holding 2 items gain a recommended 3rd completed item

Gain 2 gold and a 2-star champion every time you level up. The champion's tier is your level minus 4 (min: Tier 1).

Combat start: Your highest Attack Speed champion gains 35 Ability Power and 30% Attack Speed. Repeat on another ally every 3 seconds.

Gain a Guinsoo's Rageblade and a Red Buff and a Magnetic Remover.

Gain a Blue Buff. Your units gain 15 Ability Power. After casting their Ability, gain 10 Mana.

Gain a BoomBots Emblem and a Fiddlesticks.

Gain a BoomBots Emblem, an Ionic Spark, and a Skarner.

Your team gains 3.5% Damage Amp and 1% Durability for each Bronze-tier trait.

Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Crownguard, and a Darius.

Gain a random three star 1-cost unit and 10 gold.

Allies that start combat next to exactly 1 other ally gain 330 Health. When that champion dies, the other gains a 18% max Health Shield for 10 seconds.

At the start of the next 5 rounds, gain a random item component.

Each combat, 4 random champions in your last row gain 40% Attack Damage and 50 Ability Power.

Gain a powerful and random reward.

As you level, gain more powerful items. Level 4: component anvil Level 6: completed item anvil Level 7: choose 1 of 5 Radiant items

Open 3 portals to Zaun on random hexes in the second row. Any unit that starts combat in a portal gains 250 Health and 30% Attack Speed, and drops 1 gold on death.

Gain a Tactician's Crown. Tactician's Crown, Shield, and Cape grant the holder an additional 30% Attack Speed, 30% Attack Damage, and 30 Ability Power.

Buying XP costs 6 player health instead of 4 gold. Heal 3 player health before each player combat.

Gain +2 max team size, but take 100% more player damage when you lose a player combat.

Your champions holding an item gain 200 Health and 30% Attack Damage.

Gain a Divinicorp Emblem and a Senna.

Gain a Divinicorp Emblem, a Redemption, and a Rhaast.

For every 1 surviving champions after winning a player combat, gain 1 gold. Gain 16 XP.

When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 35% Attack Damage and 35 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.

The first time you buy experience each round, gain 2 gold. Whenever you buy experience, refresh your shop.

Gain a Dynamo Emblem and an Elise.

Gain a Dynamo Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Jhin.

Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 20%. Gain 10 gold.

Gain +3 maximum team size, but your units can only hold 1 item and their total health is reduced by 20%. Gain 2 gold.

Gain an Executioner Emblem and a Rengar.

Gain an Executioner Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and a Graves.

Gain an Exotech Emblem and a Mordekaiser.

Gain an Exotech Emblem, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, and a Naafiri.

Now and at the start of the next 2 stages, roll 3 dice. Gain various rewards based on their total.

Gain a Support Anvil and a completed item anvil.

The first time you would be eliminated, you instead remain alive. After this happens, gain 70 XP and set your gold to 90. Excess gold is converted to XP.

Gain 1 random emblem. At the start of every stage, gain a random emblem. For each emblem equipped, your team gains 40 health.

Gain a Zeke's Herald. Champions buffed by Zeke's also gain 45% Critical Strike Chance.

You can see who you will fight next. Gain 2 Training Dummies, each equipped with a Zephyr or Shroud of Stillness.

Gain a Titan's Resolve and another after 5 player combats. Your Titan's Resolves can continue stacking to 45 instead of 25. The total resist bonus is increased by 25%.

You no longer gain interest. Round start: gain 4 XP and 15 gold.

Gain a Golden Ox Emblem and a Jarvan.

Gain a Golden Ox Emblem, a Nashor's Tooth, and a Graves.

Combat start: 1 random 1-cost champion is upgraded to 4-star for that round and gains 15% Attack Damage and 15 Ability Power.

Gain a random Emblem. Now and after each carousel round, gain a 1-star unit of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage (max 5).

You have no interest cap. Gain 25 gold.

Champions appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher. Gain 3 gold

Gain a Randuins Omen. Its range is increased by 1 hex and its effect is increased by 60%.

Get a Golem with tailored offensive items. It gets stronger at the start of each Stage.

Gain 26 gold. At the start of every round, gain 3 reroll for every 10 gold above 50 gold (max 80 gold).

Gain 45 gold. At the start of every round, gain 3 reroll for every 10 gold above 50 gold (max 80 gold).

Gain 5 gold. Your champions gain 9 permanent max health per interest you earn. Your max interest is increased to 7.

When you buy XP, gain an additional 2. Gain 12 immediately.

Your units gain 1.50% health every round. If they survive combat, they gain an additional 2.50 Ability Power and 2.50% Attack Damage.

Gain a random Ornn item now and after every 8 player combats.

Thief's Gloves will always give your champions ideal items. Gain 2 Sparring Gloves.

Thief's Gloves will always give your champions ideal items. Gain 3 Sparring Gloves.

Every 60 Mana spent, your units next instance of Ability damage deals an additional 100-250 (based on current Stage) magic damage to the target and a nearby enemy.

Gain a Marskman Emblem and a Jinx.

Gain a Marksman Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Jhin.

Your max level is 7. Gain 1 Tactician's Shield which increases your team size by +1, and 60 gold.

Gain a Red Buff, a Blue Buff, and a Champion Duplicator.

Gain a random Radiant item. At the start of each round, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown, Spatula, and consumables).

Gain an Infinity Force. After 7 Player combats, gain a second Infinity Force.

Gain an Infinity Force. After 3 player combats, gain another.

Your team gains 20% Critical Strike chance, and their Abilities can critically strike. Critical strikes 20% Shred and Sunder the target for 3 seconds.

Your units have a rare chance to drop powerful loot when they kill an enemy champion.

The next non-player combat round will drop an additional Prismatic Orb full of amazing loot. All Gold and Prismatic orbs contain even more loot!

Each time your Shop is rerolled, you have a 45% chance to gain a free reroll.

Your units gain 12% Attack Speed. Each round, increase this by 2%.

Units holding exactly 1 item upgrade that item to Radiant. Gain 2 Magnetic Removers. Thief's Gloves counts as multiple items.

Gain a Masterwork Upgrade and 1 component anvil. Masterwork Upgrade upgrades an item to Radiant!

Open an Armory and choose 1 of 5 unique Radiant items. Gain a Magnetic Remover.

Gain a Rapidfire Emblem and a Draven.

Gain a Rapidfire Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Twisted Fate.

Gain a Radiant Thieves Gloves.

Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain infinite Attack Range and 15% Attack Speed.

Gain a spotlight in the back corner of your board. All units in the spotlight gain 18% Damage Amp, 20% Omnivamp, and 2 Mana per second.

Gain a Mogul's Mail. In 5 rounds, gain a Gamblers Blade.

Gain a Statikk Shiv and another after 5 player combats. Your Statikk Shivs grant 10% more Attack Speed and their chain lightning effects deal 40-125% more damage (based on stage level).

Gain a Statikk Shiv and another after 3 player combats. Your Statikk Shivs grant 10% more Attack Speed and their chain lightning effects deal 40-125% more damage (based on stage level).

Gain 4 gold. When you level up, gain a number of free shop refreshes equal to your level, which carry over between rounds.

Gain a Slayer Emblem and a Jarvan.

Gain a Slayer Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Vayne.

When you kill an enemy unit, there's a 45% chance to drop amazing loot.

Combat start: Up to 5 champions with 1 or fewer items gain a copy of a random completed item from the nearest itemized ally.

Gain a Strategist Emblem and a Yuumi.

Gain a Strategist Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and an Ekko.

Gain a Street Demon Emblem and a Jinx.

Gain a Street Demon Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and an Ekko.

Now and at the start of every stage, open a shop of four 4-costs and gain 8 gold.

Gain 5 BF Swords. Your BF Swords grant +3% Attack Speed.

Gain a Syndicate Emblem and a Braum.

Gain a Syndicate Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and a Darius.

Gain a Tactician's Cape and a random Emblem.

Gain a Techie Emblem and a Mordekaiser

Gain a Techie Emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Shyvana.

Shop rerolls are free until the end of this round. Traits and other augments do not benefit from these free Shops. Gain 3 gold.

Your tactician is small and speedy, heals 2 Health after a PVP round, and grants 1 Gold per round.

Appears only on 3-2. Your tactician is small and speedy, heals 2 Health after a PVP round, and grants 1 Gold per round. Gain 8 gold now.

Every time a player is eliminated, choose one of their items to keep.

Gain 3 3-cost champions. Allies gain 9% Attack Speed. Combat Start: 3 random 3-cost champions gain 420 Health and 27% Attack Speed.

Your champions randomly gain one of the following when they are starred up: 300 Health, 30% Attack Speed, 30% Attack Damage, or 30 Ability Power.

Buying experience costs 1 less. When you level, gain 1 health and 3 free reroll.

Gain a Vanguard Emblem and a Braum.

Gain a Vanguard Emblem, a Protector's Vow, and a Skarner.

Gain a Zz'Rot Portal and another after every 10 player combats. Zz'Rot Portal Voidlings gain 40% Attack Speed and 40% Omnivamp

Gain a Training Dummy and 6 gold. It has 2 random emblems equipped.

Gain 5 Needlessly Large Rods. Your Needlessly Large Rods grant +4% Attack Speed.

When you reroll your Shop, gain 3 XP. Gain 1 gold

Your highest Health champion is cloned. The clone has 25% bonus Health and 30% bonus Attack Speed.

Gain a random 2-cost. After, gain a copy of that 2-cost at the beginning of the round for the next 8 rounds.