PoE 2 Build
Stormweaver Spark Endgame EB+MOM - NickTew

Build Overview
This build uses Spark paired with
Archmage and
Eldritch Battery to do giga damage. We take advantage of energy shield mechanics to bolster our defenses, and with our inherent high mana scaling it makes
Mind Over Matter a no brainer, once we have solid mana sustain. We have Arcane Surge with additional effectiveness scaling off of mana built into our ascendancy, pairing very nicely with the build.
I've made tons of videos on this build, feel free to check them out if you have any questions or are confused about any of the build mechanics. Reach out to me on Discord if you have a one-off question or you'd like 1 on 1 assistance with the build, as a service.
Build Variants
Early Endgame Budget
Endgame MoM+EB+CI
Late Endgame Crit MOM+EB+CI
Late Endgame Pure Mana Crit MOM+EB+CI
This variation utilizes Ghostwrithe &
Atziri's Disdain for extremely cheap, high defense options early into mapping. Using these 2 items in tandem with some max life and % energy shield scaling on the tree, you'll easily solve your defense troubles. You can swap out of these once you save up enough currency to get
The Everlasting Gaze and you have a good energy shield Helm/Chest to swap off the uniques. At which point, you'll want to swap your skill tree and follow the Endgame MoM+EB+CI variant.
Early Endgame Budget Variant
Select another Variant

Consider picking up Midnight Braid if you're having mana issues with
Mind Over Matter selected. It's very cheap.
Gear Priority List
Wand : All bases are good
1) Levels to lightning skills
2) Spell damage / Lightning Damage
3) Cast speed (omit if pricey)
4) Flat mana
5) Mana regen
6) Gain % extra as lightning
7) Intelligence
8) Increased Chance To Shock
Focus: Expert Plumbed, Advanced Crystal, Advanced Voodoo, Expert Antler
1) Levels
2) Decent Energy Shield
3) Cast Speed (omit if pricey)
4) Mana / Spell Damage/ Lightning Damage
5) Crit Chance / Damage
6) Resistances / Mana Regen
Rings: All bases are good, Breaches are BiS because of +50% quality
1) Resistances (if you need them)
2) Mana
3) Cast Speed
4) Mana Regen
5) Intelligence
6) Lightning Damage
7) All Attributes
Chest: Expert Hexers, Expert Keth, Expert Altars
1) High Base Energy Shield
2) Resistances
3) Intelligence
4) 30+ Spirit if you want to run Grim Feast
Gloves: Kitoko's for defense or:
1) Mana
2) Resistances
3) Energy Shield
4) Crit Damage Bonus (if crit build)
5) Intelligence
Helm: Expert Feathered, Expert Chain, Expert Wicker
1) High Energy Shield
2) Mana
3) Resistances
4) Intelligence
5) Crit Chance
Boots: Silk slippers, feathered sandals, wrapped sandals
1) Movement Speed
2) Mana
3) Resistances
4) Energy Shield
5) Intelligence
If you want rarity, it can roll on rings, boots, gloves, helm. Can also socket rarity soul cores
There's no chaos res on this gear, because you'll soon swap over to Chaos Inoculation
Get at least 1 - 2 jewels with 2% mana on kill
Damage: Shock Magnitude > Magnitude of Ailments You inflict > Crit Damage > Crit Chance > Projectile Speed > Cast Speed > Skill Effect Duration > Increased Chance To Shock > Ele/Spell/Lightning Damage
Survivability: % Increase Maximum energy shield = faster energy shield recharge rate = increased energy shield recharge rate or % of energy shield as stun threshold
Good amulet anoints
Frazzled cheap, good dps.
Icebreaker Effectively immune to Freeze if you have high ES, can then swap to a stun or rarity charm - cheap
Wild Storm Best DPS option - expensive
Conservative Casting if you hate having mana problems - cheap
Piercing Shot If you want to clear slightly faster - cheap
Acceleration Move speed & Cast Speed - mid-expensive
Early Endgame Budget Variant
Select another Variant
Skill Gems
Support Gem Requirements:
Str 15
Dex 20
Int 55



Flame Wall

Orb of Storms

Mana Tempest

Lightning Warp



Sigil of Power

For spark support gems, feel free to swap them based on preference and your current character
Acceleration Arcane Tempo and Considered Casting I'd argue are mandatory. Other good options include:
Inspiration is necessary 99% of the time unless you have like 0 cast speed or disgustingly good mana sustain
Controlled Destruction prior to swapping to a crit setup, good for more damage
Pierce Can help with clear speed rather than raw output
Lightning Exposure Once your spark has high raw output, this is very good for instant exposure application while mapping, especially in maps where mobs have high elemental resistances
Mobility Pretty niche as you can maintain almost full movement if you simply tap spark instead of holding it down, however this can be useful for clearing breaches or something
Unleash Very niche use cases, honestly not great IMO but feel free to try it out
Overcharge Good for applying more shock magnitude to bosses to juice up Lightning Conduit if playing with
Cast on Shock
Early Endgame Budget Variant
Select another Variant
Passive Tree
set 1:
set 2: