Welcome to MrRonit's Ice/Lightning Hybrid build! This build specialises in being a DPS monster thanks to Ice Strike
Charged Staff and
Tempest Bell so you can nuke bosses in seconds making the entire campaign from Act 1-6 super easy! It's also a very agile class capable of destroying packs of enemies with ease!
Combat Frenzy with
Resonance keystone in passive tree we can now generate power charges super easily! This means we can buff our weapons with lightning damage through
Charged Staff allowing us to shock enemies on top and deal tonnes of damage!
The endgame version takes our DPS to stratospheric levels and keeps our energy shield + defences (Evasion + ES) very high allowing you to take on tier 15+ maps, pinnacle bosses with ease! With Herald of Ice and
Herald of Thunder combined with the
Polcirkeln ring we can clear entire screens in one click!
Update 5/1/25 Ultra Endgame Version: With Chaos Inoculation we have now made the defence of the build watertight! Immune to chaos damage means you no longer get 1 shot to random stuff and on top we have massive energy shield bonuses so you never die! Also we no longer need
Polcirkeln thanks to
Herald of Thunder and
Herald of Ice Lightning Infusion + Cold Infusion tech! We can clear entire rooms without the unique ring!
I've split the guide into four sections which you need to click below in 'Build Variants'
1) Level 1-14
2) Level 14 onwards
3) Endgame (Lvl 60+)
4) Ultra Endgame Chaos Inoculation (Lvl 85+)