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Monster Hunter Wilds Guide

Artian Weapons Explained

Updated on Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025


Artian weapons are powerful endgame gear, crafted and upgraded in a different way than other weapons. When tailored in an optimal way, Artian weapons can become best-in-class choices for most weapon types. 

In this guide, we will go over all the steps involved in obtaining and upgrading Artian weapons to unleash their full potential, as well as give tips on getting the best possible reinforcement rolls.

Artian weapons are unlocked in Chapter 4 of the main story, after completing the quest “Wyvern Sparks and Rose Thorns” in which you’ll face your first Tempered Monster, Lala Barina.

This guide is written by @dxvis.

Explore All Artian Weapons

To see all Artian Weapons and theorycraft with your own Builds, head to our Build Planner.

Obtaining Artian Materials

You’ll need Artian weapon parts in order to forge Artian weapons. These can be obtained as rewards from High Rank Investigations with Tempered monsters, and from melding at Suja. They have different Rarity levels:

Rusted Weapon Shard

Rusted Weapon Shard

Ancient Weapon Fragment

Turns into a Rarity 6 Artian weapon part.

Turns into a Rarity 7 Artian part.

Turns into a Rarity 8 Artian part.

Only Rarity 8 materials are worth it for endgame builds, as Rarity 8 weapons outclass Rarity 6 and 7 Artian weapons. Note that only Investigations with a Tempered Apex monster (including Gore Magala and Arkveld) yield Rarity 8 weapon parts as rewards. Great Hunts (Investigations with 2 targets) yield more rewards.

Artian Weapon Parts

After being collected, Weapon Shards and Fragments turn into a random weapon part: Blade, Tube, Disc, or Device. Furthermore, each weapon part has an associated Element and Infusion.

  • Element: Shows the element of the part. A Fire weapon part will produce a Fire elemental weapon.
  • Infusion: This can be Attack, which gives +5 raw attack to the resulting weapon, or Affinity, which gives +5% affinity.

Each weapon type requires a specific part combination to be crafted. For example, a Great Sword needs two Blades and one Tube, whereas a Long Sword needs one Blade and two Tubes.

Forging Artian Weapons

Once you unlock Artian weapons, a new tab will appear in the Smithy: “Forge Artian Weapons”. It will prompt you to select the type of the weapon you want to craft, and then it will show the menu in the screenshot below:

  • Parts Selection: Each weapon takes 3 specific material types. For example, if you selected Long Sword, you’ll need a Blade and two Tubes.
  • Artian Materials Box: Shows the obtained weapon parts. Note that materials of different Rarity can’t be combined into a weapon.
  • Equipment Info: Shows the weapon that will be crafted from the current parts. You can see the stats change in real time if you swap parts with different elements and infusions.

Combining 2 or 3 parts with the same element will produce an elemental weapon. Choosing three different elements creates a raw weapon, which is always worse than having a Status or Element in your weapon.

Elemental Bonus

Choosing three parts with the same Element or Status will give an “Element Infusion” to the weapon, which is an elemental attack bonus. This is always optimal for maximizing Elemental damage or Status procs.

In the screenshot below, three parts were chosen, so the weapon as an “Element Infusion” on it.

Reinforcing Artian Weapons

Artian weapons can receive up to 5 random reinforcements which increase their stats. You can upgrade Artian weapons from the “Reinforce / Dismantle Artian Weapons” tab at the Smithy.

How to Reinforce

Artian weapons go from level 0 to 5, and each level-up gives the weapon one random reinforcement.

Reinforcing requires special Ore, which can be obtained from Azuz via Item Trade, Festival Shares, or by smelting ore in the Oilwell Basin Base Camp.

It takes 50 Oricalcite (Or 15000 upgrade points) to reach the max level.

Reinforce Types

There are five different reinforcement types:

  • Attack: Gives +5 raw. Applicable to all weapons.
  • Affinity: Gives +5% affinity. Applicable to all weapons.
  • Sharpness: Gives 30 extra sharpness. Applicable to all melee weapons.
  • Element: Gives an element or status boost. Applicable to all weapons except Bowguns.
  • Capacity: Gives 1 extra ammo per clip for most ammo types. Applicable only to Bowguns.

Each reinforcement is random and pre-determined at the time of forging the weapon.

How to Get Optimal Rolls on Artian Weapons

Artian weapons truly shine when obtaining great rolls. Each weapon type will want different types of reinforcements, which are specific to a set or build. We will show you the optimal way to get the reinforcements you want, spending the least possible amount of time and materials.

NOTE: Obtaining a god roll (the best possible 5 reinforcements) can be difficult and frustrating. Usually, the difference between 4 and 5 target reinforcements is minimal, in the 1-2% damage range. So if you get a roll with 4 out of the 5 target reinforcements, it is usually good enough to keep.

The game uses a seed system to assign Artian weapon reinforcements. This means that the next weapon you craft will always have the same reinforcement, and so on. Therefore, the optimal way to obtain good rolls is to use “dummy” Artian weapons to test if the reinforcements you’ll get are good or not, and quit without saving to save materials and Zenny.

Reroll chart

  1. Create a “dummy” Artian weapon of the same type and rarity as the one you want to obtain.
    1. The “dummy” weapon does not need to be of the same element as the one you want, i.e. elemental weapons will receive the same reinforcements no matter their element.
    2. Infusion type on artian parts do not matter.
  2. Save your game.
  3. Reinforce the “dummy” weapon up to max level.
  4. If you do not like the result:
    1. Dismantle the artian weapon
    2. Repeat from step 1.
  5. If you like the result:
    1. Quit to title without saving, and enter again.
    2. Create the actual artian weapon you want.
    3. Reinforce it to max. It will have the same reinforcement as the “dummy” weapon from before.

Dismantling Artian Weapons

You can dismantle Artian weapons from the “Reinforce / Dismantle Artian Weapons” tab at the Smithy.

When dismantling a weapon, you will get back all the reinforcement materials used, but lose on the Artian weapon parts and the Zenny spent.

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