Artian weapons truly shine when obtaining great rolls. Each weapon type will want different types of reinforcements, which are specific to a set or build. We will show you the optimal way to get the reinforcements you want, spending the least possible amount of time and materials.
NOTE: Obtaining a god roll (the best possible 5 reinforcements) can be difficult and frustrating. Usually, the difference between 4 and 5 target reinforcements is minimal, in the 1-2% damage range. So if you get a roll with 4 out of the 5 target reinforcements, it is usually good enough to keep.
The game uses a seed system to assign Artian weapon reinforcements. This means that the next weapon you craft will always have the same reinforcement, and so on. Therefore, the optimal way to obtain good rolls is to use “dummy” Artian weapons to test if the reinforcements you’ll get are good or not, and quit without saving to save materials and Zenny.
Reroll chart
- Create a “dummy” Artian weapon of the same type and rarity as the one you want to obtain.
- The “dummy” weapon does not need to be of the same element as the one you want, i.e. elemental weapons will receive the same reinforcements no matter their element.
- Infusion type on artian parts do not matter.
- Save your game.
- Reinforce the “dummy” weapon up to max level.
- If you do not like the result:
- Dismantle the artian weapon
- Repeat from step 1.
- If you like the result:
- Quit to title without saving, and enter again.
- Create the actual artian weapon you want.
- Reinforce it to max. It will have the same reinforcement as the “dummy” weapon from before.