In this Marvel Rivals Moon Knight guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.
Marvel RivalsMarvel Rivals Moon Knight Character Guide
Moon Knight Overview
Staying true to the desires of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of vengeance, Moon Knight enacts retribution upon any foe who dares challenge him. He doesn’t just leave his enemies to Khonshu, Moon Knight farms ult off Vanguards and assassinates backlines. While he struggles against aerial heroes, he is unmatched at taking down grouped up teams.
Through the use of his grapple and cape, he makes himself like the moon and looks down upon the battlefield. Abusing high ground and repositioning is the name of his game. When he ults he proclaims, “The Moon Haunts You!” – learn how to become a good Moon Knight player and you will surely haunt your enemies as well.
Find out where Moon Knight ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.
- Always take high ground and Farm ult by bouncing primary fire and Moon Blade off of Vangaurds.
- Throw Ankhs out of enemy POV, but still in range to be targeted by the Ankh.
- Combo your ult with an ally’s stun or ensure the target doesn’t have an escape ability available.
- Deny him the high ground or counter swap to an aerial-based hero like Storm or Iron Man.
- Play spread out. If you’re getting hit by bounces off of an ally, you are too close to them.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Fast Charging Ultimate
Every single game, the Moon Knight Players should be the ones who get their ults first. In the beginnings of fights, teams are typically more grouped up which allows Crescent Dart to bounce between multiple targets and generate high amounts of ultimate charge.
Ultimate KOs Through Strategist Ults
After the Season 1 buffs to the Hand of Khonshu, the ultimate deals damage so fast that not even Luna Snow’s ultimate can out heal. Teams typically play around their defensive ultimates because they typically cannot die during them. Disrupt this game plan and show the enemy they are never safe from the haunting!
A double jump, glide, and hookshot give Marc Spector multiple options for taking high ground and navigating the map. Between the three methods, Moon Knight is never stuck where he’s currently positioned. Constantly surprising the enemy with repositioning helps Moon Knight secure precious backline assassinations.
Weak Against Aerial Enemies
Ankh has to be stuck into the environment which means it offers no help against aerial enemies. Both primary fire and secondary fire are also difficult to hit fliers with. Any enemy that can approach quickly, or from the air is extremely difficult for Moon Knight to deal with.
Highs and Lows
With Ancient Ankh, Moon Knights’s lethality is unmatched. Whenever Ankh is destroyed and on its long 12 second cooldown, he is barely a threat to the enemy team. To secure backline assassinations, he also needs to spend time hiding and sneaking into position which means he won’t be dealing damage or helping his team during these staging phases.
Slow Travel Projectiles
Compare his 120m/second projectile speed to Winter Soldiers’ 180m/second travel speed and you’ll quickly understand why it can be such a challenge to hit distant and moving targets. With so many high mobility heroes in Marvel Rivals, Moon Knight often has to choose to completely ignore some threats and rely on his team’s help to get those KOs.
Ability Tips
Primary Fire: Crescent Dart
DESCRIPTION | Unleash Crescent Darts forward that can bounce between enemies and Ankhs, dealing damage to enemies |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Triple shot that fires in a straight trajectory |
FIRE RATE | The firing interval between shots is 0.05s, with an interval of 0.57s between each round of shooting |
DAMAGE | 25 damage per round |
DAMAGE FALLOFF | Falloff begins at 30m, decreasing to 50% at 50m |
AMMO | 30 |
Tips for Crescent Dart
Bounces Between Targets
- Always look to focus groups of enemies rather than trying to attack isolated targets.
Target Priority
- Farm Ult off Vanguards
- Vanguard’s giant bodies and slower movement make them easy targets for Crescent Dart. Additionally, the projectiles will still bounce off the Vanguards and damage any Duelists or Strategists nearby.
- Unaware Targets
- Look to catch enemies unaware and who are not actively trying to dodge your attacks. These are much easier to land hits on or catch in Ankh combos.
- Players seem to forget that Moon Knight’s primary fire can critical hit. Especially at closer ranges, in duels, or against Vanguards, going for headshots greatly increases single-target damage.
Not a Sniper
- While it is easy to hit Vangaurds or your Ankh from across the map, Moon Knight’s falloff cuts his damage in half. Don’t tickle your enemies, stay in his ideal medium range.
Secondary Fire: Moon Blade
DESCRIPTION | Launch forward a Moon Blade that can bounce between enemies and Ankhs, dealing damage to enemies |
KEY | Right Click |
CASTING | Projectile that fires in a straight trajectory |
DAMAGE | 80 |
DAMAGE FALLOFF | Falloff begins at 30m, decreasing to 50% at 50m |
Tips for Moon Blade
Cancels Primary Fire Recovery Animation
- Every time you use Moon Blade it should be timed to cancel Cresent Dart’s recovery animation in order to maximize damage per second.
The 6 second cooldown is half of Ancient Ankh’s 12 second cooldown.
- After using Moon Blade in the Ankh combo, immediately use it again upon refresh, and it will be available for your next Ankh.
Also Bounces Between Targets
- Players often forget that Moon Blade bounces between targets just as primary fire does. Consequently, the same rules apply and you should always be targeting groups of enemies.
[E]: Ancient Ankh
DESCRIPTION | Fire an Ankh to launch up enemies within its radius towards the center |
KEY | E |
CASTING | Straight-line projectile that generates a spell field upon impact |
PULL-IN RANGE | 5m spherical radius |
BOUNCING RANGE | 7m spherical radius |
COOLDOWN | 12s |
Tips for Ancient Ankh
Play Around Ancient Ankh
- By far the best tool in his kit, Ankh’s availability determines when Moon Knight can be aggressive, or play more passive.
- When he doesn’t have Ankh:
- More vulnerable to dives.
- Can’t Ankh combo to delete a target.
Ankh Placement
- Always look to place Ankhs out of the enemy’s POV.
- Behind, above, around a corner, anywhere the enemy has to move around and look for it.
- Maximizes the amount of time you can use Ankhs bounces before the enemy destroys it.
Against Melee Flankers
- Place One Ankh at your feet before the fight breaks out. You can then use this one defensively as Melee heroes have to enter its AoE when attacking you.
Use in Reaction to Enemy Cooldowns
- Example: You see the enemy Cloak & Dagger use their phase ability. You now know they have no means of escaping your Ankh combo. Greatly increases the odds of securing the elim.
Doesn’t Penetrate Sheilds
- When playing against heroes like Strange or Magneto who have shields and barriers. If your Ankh collides with their barrier it will be destroyed in the air.
- Shooting from above them ensures your Ankh goes over their barriers.
Bread and Butter Combo
- Ankh → Crescent Dart → Moon Blade → Cresent Dart
- Eliminates 300hp heroes
[F]: Moonlight Hook
DESCRIPTION | Launch a frontal grappling hook that pulls Moon Knight towards it |
KEY | F |
CASTING | Dash |
COOLDOWN | 15s |
Tips for Moonlight Hook
Don’t Need Tall Structures to Launch Vertically
- Moon Knight can shoot the ground and will still be launched into the air.
- Useful for escaping ground based enemy attacks and abilities.
Primarily used for repositioning.
- As a Moon Knight Player, you always want to maintain a high ground position. Moonlight Hook lets you access virtually every high ground area on every map.
Slow as an Escape Tool
- Without any invulnerability frames, Moonlight Hook is not very reliable as a last second dodge. You’ll want to preemptively grapple away from danger.
Chase down enemy backlines with Moonlight Hook → Ankh combo
- Jumping over the team gives Moon Knight LoS on targets who often think they are positioned out of danger. This gives him great opportunities to finish off retreating enemies.
[SPACE]: Rising Leap
DESCRIPTION | Perform a double jump |
KEY | Space |
Tips for Rising Leap
Short Cooldown
- You can basically spam this ability to help shoot over walls and barriers and maximize damage output.
Save when facing flankers or melee enemies
- Anytime you have enemies trying to get the jump on you, Rising Leap is your best tool for buying yourself extra time to win the duel or escape.
Rising Leap from the ground to get a better angle for Ankh’s placement.
[SHIFT]: Night Glider
DESCRIPTION | Hold SHIFT to glide |
Tips for Night Glider
- The extra Distance from glide pairs with Rising Leap to save your Moonlight Hook
- When traversing the map, it’s always better to use double jump then glider, and save the much longer hookshot cooldown.
[Melee]: Triple Eclipse
DESCRIPTION | Perform a combo with his truncheon, and the third strike will launch up the enemy hit slightly |
KEY | V |
CASTING | Melee |
Tips For Triple Eclipse
Extremely Niche
- Only really useful when in a close range engagement and you’ve run out of ammo, but the enemy is very low on health.
- Even at close range, it is far better to continue spamming primary fire than to melee.
Ultimate: Hand of Khonshu
DESCRIPTION | Open a portal that allows Khonshu to bombard enemies with his talons |
KEY | Q |
CASTING | Delayed Spherical Spell Field |
DESCENDING RANGE | 8m radius |
FREQUENCY | 4 hits per second |
RANGE | 5m spherical radius |
DAMAGE | 150 damage per hit |
ENERGY COST | 2800 |
Tips for Hand of Khonshu
Combo with Teammate Stuns
- The greatest combo is Groot ult into Moon Knight ult.
- Guarantees anyone caught will die, even if a Strategist uses their healing ult.
- Hand of Khonshu on any stunned enemy greatly raises the odds of securing the KO.
Target Enemies without Escape Abilities
- Some enemies have quick or invulnerable escape abilities which will allow them to survive even if they were standing directly in the center of the AoE.
- Either target heroes who don’t have these abilities to begin with, or enemies whose escape abilities are currently on cooldown.
Team-up: Full Moon
DESCRIPTION | Cloak & Dagger can inject light and dark energy into Moon Knight to create a Light & Dark Realm where Moon Knight can become Invisible |
KEY | C |
RANGE | 4m spherical radius |
COOLDOWN | 30s |
TEAM-UP TARGET | Cloak & Dagger |
“Just as the New Moon vanishes from sight, so shall you, my Fist. For new heroes illuminate our path forward in the trials ahead.”
Tips for Full Moon
Enemies can see the AoE shroud
- They can’t See Moon Knight but its not like Invisible Woman where they have no idea where you are standing. The Dark Real AoE is like a big beacon saying, “Moon Knight is in here.”
Best used Defensively
- When a fight has broken out into a scramble, Full Moon will greatly reduce the amount of damage you take as enemies won’t be able to directly target you.
- Use against enemy flankers to start healing yourself, or to buy time for your team to assist.
Team Comp Synergies
Team comps built around Moon Knight capitalize on his high damage AoE ultimate. Moon Knight greatly benefits from having allies with stun abilities to trap enemies in his ult. Positioning wise, he is a hybrid rather than a full flanker, frontline, or backline sniper.
Therefore, Moon Knight can easily adapt to whatever his team’s playstyle is whether they are brawl, dive, area control, flank, or poke comp. Moon Knight needs to play reactively to what both teams are doing, rather than trying to force a particular playstyle.
Ideally, the team will choose Strategists who can reliably support him from his various high ground positions. Heroes like Rocket or Invisible Woman can’t quickly assist him when in danger. Being weak against fliers also means hitscan Duelists help to cover his weakness and prevent the enemy from exploiting the air.
Team Comp Example
- Vanguards: Groot, Doctor Strange
- Duelists: Moon Knight, The Punisher
- Strategists: Cloak & Dagger, Mantis
Hero Synergies
Vanguards: Groot
Simply put, Strangling Prison plus Hand of Khonshu is a free fight win every couple of minutes. Your team could be getting destroyed all game, but this combo with at least 2 or 3 enemies inside, and you win the objective. Moon Knight also pairs perfectly with Groot’s Thornlash Wall since he can shoot over them and activate their attacking vines.
Duelists: The Punisher
The Punisher’s synergy with Marc Spencer comes from his ability to make up for the areas of weakness. Busting out the assault rifle destroys fliers who would be looking to exploit Moon Knight’s difficulty to duel them. If he sets up a zipline to Moon Knight’s high ground setup, the shotgun deletes those melee flankers. The Punisher also is great at creating multiple angles of constant poke pressure along with Moon Knight which makes it difficult for enemy front lines to take space.
Strategists: Cloak & Dagger
The obvious synergy is the Team-up ability which gives Moon Knight invisibility (you can fire without breaking invis!). While the Team-up does add a bit of utility to his kit, the power of their paring lies in the rest of Cloak and Dagger’s kit.
Dagger can heal from any distance or throw Dagger Storm on him to give him a the sustain advantage when being forced into a duel.
Cloak’s Terror Capen also shuts down fliers and flankers alike who are about to KO their Moon Knight. During their blind effect, Moon Knight can either go for the kill, or reposition to safety.
Table of Contents
Base Stats
Role | Duelist |
Difficulty | 3/5 Stars |
Health | 250 |
Movement Speed | 6 m/s |