Remaining Energy Deathblade Build Guide for PvE
This build’s core gameplay revolves around using high damage skills while still building up the orb meter and using Surge (Z) to greatly lower every skill cooldown as fast as possible, complements this very well by augmenting every skill’s damage other than Surge (Z).
Due to having multiple skills with high orb meter generations, as an orb meter backup, and a pretty even damage share between different skills, this build is low punishing and allows mistakes.


Dark Axel

Soul Absorber

Earth Cleaver

Moonlight Sonic


Blitz Rush

Void Strike

Flash Blink
Skill priority

How to play
skill breakdown
Surge (Z): the first click will enter trance mode and cut down the cooldowns of the other abilities, the second click will cast surge, this is the highest damaging skill, you should only and always use it as soon as you get 3 gauge orbs
- very high damage, low orb generation
- very high damage, very high orb generation
- high damage, high orb generation
- mid damage, mid orb generation - use as filler when other abilities are on cooldown, does not need to be casted from the back
- mid damage, low orb generation - counter skill, good to use when the other abilities are on cooldown for its fast casting time
- low damage, low orb generation - used for its synergy back attack damage buff, can also be used to get behind the boss, if you are already on the back, cast it only one time
- low damage, low orb generation - buffs meter generation and move/attack speed for 6 seconds, the speed buff also applies on party members
- low damage, low orb generation - very strong movement ability, ignore the boss hitbox and has push immunity
Note that this is a back attack oriented class, meaning that you should always position yourself behind the boss when attacking
- Surge
has a really long cooldown, it can be used if all other abilities are on cooldown (for example when waiting for ), or when you’re missing a little bit of orb meter.
Using more than once should only be done if you need to reach the boss’s back.
If you have rune, you can use it on on the raids that needs it

Remaining Energy



Ambush Master

Super Charge

Cursed Doll
can be used as a level 1 engraving, because the attack power buff it gives affects all skills except Surge (Z), which is the highest damage dealer of all skills, so squeezing in a level 3 turns out to deal more damage.
If you dislike ’s healing debuff, you can swap it out for for a small damage loss.
With ancient accessories or a 9/7 stone use at level 3.
For a temporary cheap build it is possible to remove altogether and use at level 3.

Remaining Energy


Ambush Master

Super Charge

This will give 12% move/attack speed instead of the 6% of at level 1 in exchange of slightly less damage; but considering that ’s and support’s Yearning Set both give attack speed, this will end up surpassing the 140% max.
For a temporary cheap build lowering ’s level to 2 or 1 is the most effective way.
combat stats
The best way to allocate stats is to put everything on specialization, and the necklace on specialization + crit.
It is possible to switch a ring to crit if you’re using , it's not recommended as it will make the class feel worse to play due to the higher cooldowns and lower orb meter generation, but it won’t lose damage overall and it can save some gold when buying class engraving.
Attack Gems


Blitz Rush

Soul Absorber

Moonlight Sonic

Void Strike

Earth Cleaver
The most important gems to get are Surge, , and damage, in that order, try to get them as high as possible.
The damage gem can be freely changed to , or cooldown gem.
Cooldown Gems


Blitz Rush

Soul Absorber

Moonlight Sonic

Void Strike
is the most important cooldown gem, cooldown should be at least 1 level less than , the rest are fine even 2 level less than .
gear tripods

The following tripods are a priority:
Medium priority tripods you can focus on after getting the above tripods:
Lower priority tripods you can focus on after getting the above tripods:
At 1370 item level the best gear set is Preordained Diligence, crafted from Argos’s blood.
At 1445 item level relic sets will be unlocked, the best one for every back attack class is the Earth's Entropy set, crafted half from Valtan’s bones and Vykas’s wings.
This is a relatively easy set and requires no awakenings. You should use it to start or if you have trouble surviving.






Sol Grande
Field Boss II
Collect 2 Cards:Max HP +4.00%
Field Boss II
Collect 4 Cards:Max HP +4.00%
Field Boss II
Collect 6 Cards:Max HP +4.00%
Field Boss II
Collect 6 Cards (Awakening Level Total 18):Crit Rate +2.00%
Field Boss II
Collect 6 Cards (Awakening Level Total 30): Attack Power +4% when not in party or raid