
Win rate | 49.2% |
Pick rate | 3.1% |
Ban rate | 2.2% |
Matches | 27 528- |

Q an enemy that is not your main CC target then Flash and AA your actual target as quickly as possible. Follow up with an E on your target, then W and use R right as they are about to land. W again when it's off cooldown.

When E is out of range you can E towards your target then Q them. Flash to AA something nearby followed up by using W R, once again using W as soon as it's up.

Insec your target by using E and as soon as you land R instantly Flash behind your target. When on top of them, use W.

Sometimes you can gank down a lane. Q an enemy then E towards your main target. Quickly AA them and use R and W.

If you want to think more about damage Q your target then AA a nearby enemy and R right as the cc is about to end. Use W mid R then once it's done use your E to gap close and finish with another W.

While in melee range Q your target then AA a nearby enemy. Instantly E and use W while they are knocked up.

Your normal gank will start using E onto your target and Q them upon landing. AA a nearby enemy followed by using AA W AA.

When E lands on your target, W right as you land on them. Q your target then AA a nearby enemy then R and W whenever you're on top of them.