Zac·ARAM Builds

Win rate | 48.7% |
Pick rate | 0.6% |
Ban rate | -- |
Matches | 132 560- |

Zac ARAM Build
Most Popular
Win Rate 48.0% based on 22 964 matches
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52.6%ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
Healing done increased by 20%.
ARAM runes

ARAM spells


ARAM items
Starter Items

Core Items

Full Build

ARAM ability order

ARAM situational items

Sunfire Aegis
Pick this up if you’re in need of tanky stats.
ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
Healing done increased by 20%.

Zac ARAM combos

If you want to think more about damage Q your target then AA a nearby enemy and R right as the cc is about to end. Use W mid R then once it's done use your E to gap close and finish with another W.

While in melee range Q your target then AA a nearby enemy. Instantly E and use W while they are knocked up.

Your normal gank will start using E onto your target and Q them upon landing. AA a nearby enemy followed by using AA W AA.