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Yasuo·Top Counters

Way of the WandererP
Steel TempestQ
Wind WallW
Sweeping BladeE
Last BreathR
Win rate47.9%
Pick rate1.9%
Ban rate18.4%
Matches56 715-
Yasuo Top has a 47.9% win rate and 1.9% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Based on our analysis of 56 715 matches, the best counters for Yasuo Top are Singed, Wukong, Zac, Darius and Warwick. On the other hand, Yasuo Top counters Smolder, Heimerdinger, Varus, Ryze and Yorick.
Yasuo Top
Yasuo Jungle
Yasuo Mid
Yasuo Bot
Yasuo Support

Yasuo matchups

Top Top  Patch 14.24

Yasuo counter tips

General advice on how to play against Yasuo
These champs are strong against Yasuo at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Yasuo.
Champion counters video
Laning Against Yasuo

Laning Against Yasuo

Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his Sweeping BladeE to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times.

Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will reduce his ability to play aggressive and look for an all-in.

Good times to use CC abilities or to trade with Yasuo is when he is overextended after using his Sweeping BladeE. You could use his poor positioning to go for a favourable trade to get him low.

Strategy VS Yasuo

Strategy VS Yasuo

Avoid grouping too closely if the enemy has multiple knock-ups as it will allow Yasuo to get a really good Ultimate Last BreathR off. Grouping but not standing on top of each other will reduce the effectiveness of his Ultimate Last BreathR.

Do not fight inside the jungle as it will make it easier for Yasuo to land his Tornado Steel TempestQ knock up and follow it up with his Ultimate Last BreathR. Fighting in the open will make team fighting more effective for your team.

CC is your best friend in team fights. Locking him down with CC will make it very difficult for him to stack his Steel TempestQ, dash with Sweeping BladeE and inevitably use his Ultimate Last BreathR. Try to CC him as quickly as possible and take him down.

Yasuo Power Spikes

Yasuo Power Spikes

Yasuo is really strong once he has 100% crit chance. Thanks to his Passive, he can get to this stage quite quickly.

Once Yasuo is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate Last BreathR, his kill pressure increases. You should play respectfully whenever his Ultimate Last BreathR is up as he can quite easily kill you.

Yasuo is really good in team fights if he is picked in a team with multiple knock-ups. Avoid grouping too closely otherwise, he could get a 5 person Ultimate Last BreathR off.
