Viego·Jungle Guide
Win rate | 50.2% |
Pick rate | 17.2% |
Ban rate | 13.7% |
Matches | 202 595- |
Viego can steal the lives of his enemies which can allow him to escape danger. As he becomes untargetable, it can allow him to dodge incoming damage.
Viego is a fun and rewarding champion to play thanks to his Passive and his Ultimate R. Expect yourself to get hooked on him quite quickly.
Viego has a high skill ceiling. This means the more effort you put into him, the better you will be at him. Keep playing him and see yourself skyrocket in the ranks
Viego’s Passive is only as strong as the enemy team composition. If is picked into a team that lacks a lot of damage, transforming into them might be uneventful.
Viego is a difficult champion to master: in particular, playing around your Passive and your R can be quite challenging for beginners.
Viego has low utility and his W cannot help him get over walls. This is a drawback compared to other mobile champions in the current meta.
0 - 15 min
Just focus on farming during this phase of the game. You want to hit your mid-game powerspike very quickly, and farming your camps is an effective way of doing it.
Try to gank lanes that you are near to, especially if the enemy is pushed up. The same rule applies for counter ganks, but ensure that your W and E are up before ganking.
If you happen to be on the other side of the map when the enemy jungler is ganking your laners, just try to make sure that you invade the enemy jungle and steal as many camps as you can. This way, you won't fall behind.
15 - 25 min
Once you get your core items, you should participate in multiple fights. This is crucial for you to take over the game.
Your E will come in very handy while making plays during this period of the game. Always look for opportunities to play around vision and flank the enemies.
Take a good look at what your team is missing during fights and use your Passive accordingly. Generally, it is better to transform into the most fed member of the enemy team.
25+ min
You should be a monster during this phase of the game if you have your items. Participate in team fights actively and always aim for the enemy backline.
Use your E to flank or zone out enemies from areas like the objective pits. If you see the enemy Jungler walking close to you, deal with them first.
Your Ultimate R will be very important during this phase of the game. It can help you survive near-death situations, especially if you are targeting the enemy backline. Just make sure that you activate your Passive before dying.
Viego's ganks are quite potent early on. He really shines when dealing with overextended enemies during the early game. His W and E should help him a lot.
Level 6 is a massive power spike as it allows him to escape from botched fights and use it aggressively when needed. It will also make it easier for him to take over enemy champions.
Viego has really great objective control because his abilities do a lot of damage and that he can melt through them very quickly. He should try to gank his bot lane, get the enemy to recall, and then ask for assistance when trying to kill the neutral objective.
Viego is pretty decent during team fights due to his W and Q. His life steal will help him during full-blown fights, and his Ultimate R will act as a decent finishing move.
Viego will gain a massive power spike once he gets two points in his Ultimate R. He can run down squishy targets, execute them and use his Passive for much longer than any other champion in his situation.
He will have his core items by this phase of the game. He should be able to dish out a lot of damage and catch enemies off-guard with his W. His E should help him pull off multiple ganks as well.
Viego will have 3 points in his Ultimate R now, which will make him deal a lot of damage and will allow him to execute enemies with ease. This will come in handy during fights.
Viego will have multiple items by now. This will increase his damage and sustain and make it very hard for the enemy to kill him without CC.
Viego will have two of his abilities maxed out when he hits level 14. This means that his damage output will be really high, and he will ultimately take over the game.