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Viego·Top Counters

Sovereign's DominationP
Blade of the Ruined KingQ
Spectral MawW
Harrowed PathE
Win rate45.7%
Pick rate0.2%
Ban rate16.7%
Matches2 960-
Viego Top has a 45.7% win rate and 0.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 2 960 matches, the best counters for Viego Top are Kayle, Yasuo, Smolder, Garen and Malphite. On the other hand, Viego Top counters Quinn, Cho'Gath, Rumble, Trundle and Udyr.
Viego Top
Viego Jungle
Viego Mid
Viego Bot
Viego Support

Viego matchups

Top Top  Patch 14.20

Viego counter tips

General advice on how to play against Viego
These champs are strong against Viego at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Viego.
Laning Against Viego

Laning Against Viego

Try and use your range advantage to bully and harass Viego whenever he walks up to farm. He is a melee champion who can easily be bullied by ranged champions.

Viego will find it difficult to kill you in lane if you keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will give him less room to manoeuvre.

Make sure there is a minion between you and him at all times. This will make it impossible for him to CC you with his Spectral MawW.

Strategy VS Viego

Strategy VS Viego

In team fights, as soon as Viego runs in, try to CC him and burst him down first. He is pretty vulnerable to CC and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage.

Keep track of who he can change into at the start and during a fight. Try to play accordingly to all of his potential new abilities.

Try and avoid fighting in the river or in the jungle as Viego’s Harrowed PathE can make him very hard to kill. It is better to fight in the open or after he has used his Harrowed PathE. His Harrowed PathE allows him to be super slippery.

Viego Power Spikes

Viego Power Spikes

Viego’s skirmishing power in the eraly game is quite high. Keep this in mind when trying to 1v1 him as he is pretty good early on.

Viego’s level 6 power spike is very good. He will often go for insanely aggressive plays with his Ultimate HeartbreakerR.

If he takes over the body of a fed enemy champion, he will be extremely difficult to deal with. However, if he takes over a weak champion, he may not be that big of a threat.
