Varus·Mid Counters
Win rate | 44.7% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 1.0% |
Matches | 3 034- |
Varus matchups
Varus counter tips
Overall Average
Aurelion Sol
Laning Against Varus
Post 6, avoid overextending when you’re defenceless. Varus’ Ultimate R can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer whenever his Ultimate R is up.
Avoid standing inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. Standing outside of the minion wave will force him to choose between shoving and poking with his Q.
Varus will try his hardest to poke you out of lane. Try your hardest of dodge as much damage and abilities as possible. Opt for extra sustain if you can’t dodge skill shots.
Strategy VS Varus
Varus has good pick potential with his Ultimate R. Avoid overextending or being in range of him when sieging in the mid lane as he could look to start the fight.
Picking off Varus before a team fight is highly effective. Bursting him is one of the best ways to do so as he is rather squishy and immobile due to the lack of a dash or escape ability.
Varus will try to delay a team fight for as long as possible while he harasses with his Q and E.
Varus Power Spikes
Varus is good at level 6 thanks to his Ultimate R. It has good pick potential and good gank setup.
Varus is great in team fights thanks to his poke damage and the pick potential from his Ultimate R. Be on the lookout for aggressive plays and don’t walk too far forward in team fights.
At level 9. Varus will max his first ability which is usually his Q. At this stage, his poke will be really hard to deal with, so make sure you dodge it!