Sylas·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 47.0% |
Pick rate | 0.9% |
Ban rate | 14.7% |
Matches | 10 738- |
Sylas matchups
Sylas counter tips
Overall Average
Jarvan IV
Master Yi
Lee Sin
Laning Against Sylas
Sylas doesn't have the strongest of clears in the early game. You could use this to your advantage by invading him and trying to set him behind.
Once Sylas hits level 6, he can steal somebodies Ultimate with his Ultimate R. Depending on the Ultimate he steals, his strength at this time will differ.
The longer the game goes the stronger Sylas will become. Avoid feeding him in the early game to reduce his strength in the mid and late game.
Strategy VS Sylas
Always keep an eye on which Ultimate Sylas has. If his Ultimate R is a very strong team fighting Ultimate, try to wait for it to go on cooldown before forcing a fight.
Look out for flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with his E to get onto carries.
Make sure no one on your team is stood too far forward or out of position as it may allow Sylas to pick them off his with his E and start the team fight.
Sylas Power Spikes
Sylas is a strong early game Jungler. Expect him to start ganking after level 3 when he has access to all basic abilities.
The longer the game goes the stronger Sylas will become. Avoid feeding him in the early game to reduce his strength in the mid and late game.
Once Sylas is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, he may pay a visit to someone’s lane to steal their Ultimate. If he steals yours, communicate with your team so they know he has your Ultimate.