
Win rate | 49.1% |
Pick rate | 9.0% |
Ban rate | 9.3% |
Matches | 137 098- |

You can quickly burst trade by using Q and instantly W your target, AA them and as soon as the animation starts E away.

To engage on further targets E then instantly Flash right as you are about to reach it's maximum distance. Instantly E and folllow this up with a basic AA Q AA W

E into your max W range, then E again and instantly use W to travel and stun slightly faster.

You can use abilities to cancel your R animation - R then instantly Q, R then instantly E, or E then E again and use R quickly while mid air.

When caught, use E towards your target and instantly W once in range, followed by AA E then use AA Q to slow them to stay in range for more AAs.

For a closer engage Q then instantly E into AA range, followed up with W AA and finally E to keep on your target.

To guarantee the second part of Q damage try to E away from your target then instantly re-engage with Q E followed by AA W.

The most basic engage using E then E again followed by AA Q to keep your opponent close for your AA W finisher.

To trade in minions E into melee range then AA W AA, use your Q then use the slow to more easily land your stun.