Sett·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 41.1% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 0.8% |
Matches | 421- |
Sett matchups
Sett counter tips
Overall Average
Nunu & Willump
Laning Against Sett
Sett is a strong early game Jungler. Unless you are stronger than him, avoid fighting him in a 1v1 scenario.
You can reduce Sett’s ability to get good ganks off by placing wards around his jungle entrances and in the river.
When Sett is level 6, his ability to get ganks off increases as his Ultimate R is a great ganking tool. Expect him to gank frequently whenever it’s up.
Strategy VS Sett
Avoid grouping to closely as it may allow Sett to get a multi-person E off which will help his team win the team fight. Splitting up slightly will be better for you in the long run.
Do not walk too far forward when sieging an objective as Sett may use his Ultimate R to pick up the closest champion and launch them into their allies behind them. If you’re grouped together and in line with one another, it will be harder for him to do this.
When no team fights are occurring, Sett will put himself in a side lane and try to split push. When he is alone, you could look to either pick him off or start a team fight with his allies when he is unable to help them.
Sett Power Spikes
Sett is a strong early game ganker. Expect him to gank every lane in the early game to get himself and his allies ahead.
Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases again and he’ll look to gank whenever his Ultimate R is up.
Sett is good at picking off champions in the mid-game. Make sure you’re never too far forward as he may try to catch you out of position with his E.