
Rek'Sai·Jungle Counters

Fury of the Xer'SaiP
Queen's Wrath / Prey SeekerQ
Burrow / Un-burrowW
Furious Bite / TunnelE
Void RushR
Win rate50.3%
Pick rate1.8%
Ban rate1.3%
Rek'Sai Jungle has a 50.3% win rate and 1.8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 585 matches, the best counters for Rek'Sai Jungle are Zed, Rammus, Ivern, Kindred and Kayn. On the other hand, Rek'Sai Jungle counters Master Yi, Brand, Nunu & Willump, Pantheon and Zyra.
Rek'Sai Top
Rek'Sai Jungle
Rek'Sai Mid
Rek'Sai Bot
Rek'Sai Support

Rek'Sai matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 14.18

Rek'Sai counter tips

General advice on how to play against Rek'Sai
These champs are weak against Rek'Sai at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Rek'Sai.
Champion counters video
Laning Against Rek'Sai

Laning Against Rek'Sai

Rek’Sai’s kit allows her to have creative gank pathing through walls; therefore, ward possible paths Rek’Sai can gank through.

She has very good Dragon control in the early game. Make sure you keep Drake warded at all times so you can spot her before she is able to kill it alone.

Rek’Sai can gank as soon as she hits level 3 and has access to her Furious Bite / TunnelE. Expect her to get an early gank off.

Strategy VS Rek'Sai

Strategy VS Rek'Sai

Rek’Sai is good at picking players off during the mid and late game. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone as she might just target you.

CC or burst Rek’Sai down as soon as she engages with her Furious Bite / TunnelE. This will make it incredibly hard for her to dish out damage or escape after going in.

Rek’Sai struggles in 5v5 team fights, so try to force them instead of splitting up and playing alone. If all 5 of your allies are grouped, it’ll make it harder for her to engage safely without dying.

Rek'Sai Power Spikes

Rek'Sai Power Spikes

Rek’Sai’s level 3 power spike is incredibly powerful. A laner should always prepare for a Rek’Sai at level 3 as they are very likely to gank one of the lanes.

When Rek’Sai hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate , she deals even more damage and can duel the majority of Junglers without a chance of them escaping.

After Rek’Sai has completed her jungling item, her kill pressure increases dramatically. At this stage, it will be difficult for you to fight her unless you’re ahead in terms of items and kills.
