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Pantheon·Mid Expert Video Guide

Mortal WillP
Comet SpearQ
Shield VaultW
Aegis AssaultE
Grand StarfallR
Win rate51.5%
Pick rate0.8%
Ban rate4.2%
Matches6 370-
Pantheon Mid has a 51.5% win rate with 0.8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Below, you will find an expert video guide on how to play Pantheon: their strengths, weaknesses, powerspikes and game plans for every stage of the match. Step up your Pantheon gameplay with Mobalytics guides!.
Pantheon Top
Pantheon Jungle
Pantheon Mid
Pantheon Bot
Pantheon Support

Check the video guide developed by our experts for you:

Strengths and Weaknesses
Laning Phase
Team Fights
Tips and Tricks
Pantheon expert guide
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Pantheon Matchups Overview

Pantheon General information

Pantheon tips and tricks

Take note that your kill pressure doesn’t have too much of an impact in lane. Expect the enemy Mid laner to have more kill pressure once you both hit level 6.

When laning against a ranged champion, do not let them poke you down. If you get poked down, you’ll start to fall behind in CS and you may even have to recall. You’ll then fall behind in CS and XP.

If you can’t kill the enemy Mid laner, don’t be afraid to roam with your Ultimate Grand StarfallR. Getting your allies ahead through roaming is a great way of winning the game. Before roaming, push the minion wave into the enemies tower so they cannot follow you immediately.

Pantheon combos

Every combo you need to master the champion!

Pantheon useful resources


Check out the latest and best Pantheon Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.

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