
Nocturne·Mid Guide

Umbra BladesP
Shroud of DarknessW
Unspeakable HorrorE
Win rate49.2%
Pick rate0.0%
Ban rate8.2%
Matches1 138-
Nocturne Mid has a 49.2% win rate and 0.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Nocturne Mid, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Nocturne Mid guide!
Nocturne Top
Nocturne Jungle
Nocturne Mid
Nocturne Bot
Nocturne Support
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Nocturne Strengths & Weaknesses

Nocturne is easy to learn and doesn't take hundreds of games to learn like some champions in the game.

Nocturne is a great assassin who can spring out on anyone who walks alone around the map. This makes his pick potential incredibly high.

He has a great roaming ability and can be move literally anywhere on the map quickly with his Ultimate ParanoiaR.


He is really difficult to play when the enemy team is grouping together. Nocturne wants enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate ParanoiaR to pick them off.

Nocturne is super squishy and gets blown up in team fights quickly even with his Shroud of DarknessW. This makes it difficult for him to fight unless he’s ahead.

It is very easy to fall behind when playing Nocturne. If you take a lot of damage through one misplay, you will not be able to play aggressive in lane.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Nocturne is Average

Focus on clearing the wave and poking the enemy with your DuskbringerQ in the lane. It will give you a significant advantage in the long run.

Remember to use the spell shield properly in the lane. It should be used to counter hard CC abilities or burst damage abilities.

Getting your Ultimate ParanoiaR will let you pick off enemies easily. Keep an eye out on the side lanes and ensure that you all-in them when possible.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Nocturne is Strong

During the mid-game, you will want to rely on multiple picks with your Ultimate ParanoiaR. Help your Jungler out some time and get some free kills when possible.

Your Ultimate ParanoiaR can be used defensively as well. Use it when you need to save an overextended ally and are about to get ganked by the enemy.

Neutral objective fights will require your presence and will allow you to target the enemy backline when needed. Take out the squishies first for maximal effectiveness.

Late game
25+ min
Nocturne is Weak

Your Ultimate ParanoiaR will be on a very short cooldown now, so use it frequently to get picks when possible. Your goal is to make sure that the enemy squishies don't get to play the game.

Get a defensive item when possible to ensure that you survive for a longer time during fights. It will allow you to kill multiple targets, especially during team fights.

Set up death brushes with your teammates and use your Ultimate ParanoiaR to get picks when possible. It will help you massively pick off the enemy Jungler before neutral, objective fights like the Elder Dragon or the Baron.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Level six is when Nocturne ends up becoming a global threat to the enemy team. He can easily roam around and get free kills.

His early game laning is quite strong. He can waveclear easily and get on top of enemies quickly.

The first item component will allow Nocturne to duel enemies easily and deal massive damage to the enemy team during fights.

Mid game15 - 25 min

Another point in his Ultimate ParanoiaR will increase his dueling potential and allow him to be a looming threat all around the map.

He will have multip items during this phase of the game. This means he will deal a lot of damage to the enemy, and squishies will have a hard time against him.

His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means overall increased damage and chasing potential.

Late game25+ min

Nocturne falls off in the late game because he cannot burst enemies down due to defensive items. He will have to pick enemies carefully.

The final point in his Ultimate ParanoiaR will be the ultimate nail in the coffin of the enemy team, especially if Nocturne is ahead.

His damage is relatively significant during the late game, but one-shotting enemies will also be challenging for him. In return, it will be hard for the enemy to kill him quickly as well.

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