Nilah·Bot Counters

Win rate | 53.0% |
Pick rate | 2.0% |
Ban rate | 3.1% |
Matches | 33 052- |

Nilah matchups
Nilah counter tips
Overall Average






Miss Fortune





Laning Against Nilah
Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. It will protect you from her all-ins.
Respect her level 6 power spike. She can quickly kill you when she gets the level up. It’s also important to remember that she will hit level 6 before you.
If you can, invest in an early Executioner’s Calling. It will help cut down her sustain and make laning against her easier.
Strategy VS Nilah
Avoid fighting in the jungle as teams will be grouped, allowing her to get a multi-person Ultimate off.
Bait out her W before starting a team fight and then abuse the cooldown. Wait for it to finish, and then start the fight.
Lock her down with CC at the start of the fight. It will make it hard for her to reposition with her E and escape.
Nilah Power Spikes
Her first power spike is at level 3. She could look for an aggressive play once she has access to all of her basic abilities.
Nilah’s second power spike is when she hits level 6. She will usually hit level 6 before the enemy in lane, so keep this in mind when you’re both level 5.
Another power spike for Nilah is when she gets her first component item. Nilah’s trading power will be enhanced, and she will be stronger in skirmishes.