
Maokai·Jungle Guide

Sap MagicP
Bramble SmashQ
Twisted AdvanceW
Sapling TossE
Nature's GraspR
Win rate42.2%
Pick rate0.6%
Ban rate0.5%
Maokai Jungle has a 42.2% win rate and 0.6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Maokai Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Maokai Jungle guide!
Maokai Top
Maokai Jungle
Maokai Mid
Maokai Bot
Maokai Support
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Maokai Strengths & Weaknesses

Maokai is really good at ganking because his Twisted AdvanceW is point and click CC. Walk up to a laner and use it on them for an easy kill.

His Ultimate Nature's GraspR can allow him to set up engages from a great distance. This is extremely beneficial when used from out of vision, or when enemies are near a wall.

Provides a lot of vision with his Sapling TossE, which also makes way for brush control. Combine his Sapling TossE slow with his Twisted AdvanceW, he can practically handpick a target and CC them for some time while his team just follows up on him.


Maokai isn’t great in 1v1 scenarios because he lacks damage. He can easily be invaded by early game Junglers.

He will be unable to flank or get on to the enemy in team fights if they place wards off to the side.

Even though he is a tank, he can easily die in team fights when he uses his Twisted AdvanceW on a target. If his team isn’t there to follow up, he will die quickly too. Watch the map before going in.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Maokai is Average

Try to place your saplings in the Jungle brushes. This will help you a lot when detecting enemies and picking them off.

You should start ganking at level 3. Your Twisted AdvanceW and Bramble SmashQ make up for some excellent lockdown and CC, while your Sapling TossE can dish out some damage to the target.

Getting your Ultimate Nature's GraspR will be a massive spike in the game. This is important for the rest of the game, and you can easily catch out enemies and initiate team fights.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Maokai is Average

In the mid-game, your main goal will be to look for as many picks as you can. Work with your Support to help them ward while planting your Sapling TossE sapling in the Jungle brushes.

You should be really tanky during this phase of the game. Peeling for your carries should be your primary goal after you manage to initiate the team fights.

The river and choke points would be a great place to fight as your abilities will lock down multiple enemies. Just go in on the highest priority target and try to CC lock them.

Late game
25+ min
Maokai is Average

Your Ultimate Nature's GraspR will be on a short cooldown during this phase of the game. Make sure you use it regularly to catch off enemies and get frequent kills on the enemy.

The fog of war is going to help you a lot during this phase of the game. Prepare some brushes with your Sapling TossE saplings and just all-in the enemy as soon as they come close to it.

You will be very powerful during this game phase, and your tankiness will be really high. Just make sure that you don't leave your backline unguarded, else you will have a hard time winning the game.

Jungle pathing
Early Game
Early Game
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

His ganking power during the early game is relatively high. This is because he can quickly slow enemies with his Sapling TossE and then Twisted AdvanceW > Bramble SmashQ them to lock them down.

Level six is a massive power spike for Maokai as he can use his Ultimate Nature's GraspR from out of vision and CC multiple enemies simultaneously. This will be quite lethal for immobile enemies.

The first item component will allow Maokai to survive fights and will add to his damage as well. He should be able to take a lot of fights during this phase of the game.

Mid game15 - 25 min

Once Maokai gets two points in his Ultimate Nature's GraspR, he will use it frequently. If the enemy doesn't set up deep vision, they will not have a good time dealing with Maokai's Ultimate Nature's GraspR.

Maokai is extremely good in team fights as he can single out enemies and CC multiple enemies with his Ultimate Nature's GraspR. His Passive doesn't let him die quickly either.

His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will allow him to deal a lot of damage with the ability and will allow him to use it frequently.

Late game25+ min

Once Maokai gets his Ultimate Nature's GraspR maxed out, the enemy won't have a perfect time in the game. Maokai's team will quickly capitalize on his CC, though.

His tankiness is really high during the late game. His Passive won't let him die while he dives the enemy backline and deals damage of his own to them.

He is decent during late-game fights as his Twisted AdvanceW, and Bramble SmashQ can easily CC a high priority target and prevent them from joining fights. This gives time to his allies to damage the other enemies or collapse on the CC'd target.

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