Malphite·Jungle Guide
Win rate | 37.6% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 6.6% |
Matches | 1 671- |
Malphite is a strong Jungler, especially after he reaches level 6 because he can easily gank his allies with his Ultimate R.
Malphite has a very versatile build path. He can either go damage, off damage or full tank, depending on what his team needs.
Malphite’s very good in team fights because he can potentially land a five-person Ultimate R. Knocking up multiple champions could win his team the fight.
He has to power farm in the early game to hit level 6 as quickly as possible. He is not very useful without his Ultimate R.
Malphite cannot gank or help his allies unless he has his Ultimate R. He will need to play around it for him to get kills.
If the enemy doesn’t group close together, it will be impossible for him to knock up the whole enemy team. In some cases, it might not be worth ulting one person.
0 - 15 min
Try to hit level three as quickly as you can. It will give you a boost in your clearing speed, but your ganks will pretty much remain non-existent till you are level six.
Since your early clears are pretty weak, you will want to make sure that you don't get invaded. Ward the Jungle entrances so that you can detect any invaders coming towards you.
Unlocking your Ultimate R will give you the ability to freely gank from now on. Ensure that you don't let enemies push up in their lanes without being punished from now on.
15 - 25 min
As you get your core items, your damage and tankiness will increase significantly. Just make sure that you land your Ultimate R on key targets after slowing them with your Q.
During neutral, objective fights, make sure you first pick off the enemy jungler before taking the objective. Don't ever try to leave the objective to get a few kills as the enemy Jungler may easily steal it.
Set up death brushes inside the enemy jungle and help your Support ward around the Jungle when they are trying to invade. You may be able to pick a few kills this way.
25+ min
During this phase of the game, your only goal is to target the enemy backline and decimate them if you are going AP. Use the fog of war to do so.
If you happen to see someone careless enough to be sidelining alone, just go and kill them. This will allow you to get a numbers advantage and make a fight unfair.
Getting a defensive item like a Zhonya's should help you a lot with surviving your all-ins. It also bolsters your tankiness, so you may want to think about buying the item.
His game plan for the early game should involve power farming till he gets his Ultimate R. This is because he has no way to gank other lanes unless they are drastically overextended.
Level six is a massive power spike as Malphite will now be able to pull off ganks and disrupt flights. This is really helpful when the enemy is immobile and has no Flash.
His first item component will allow him to take more fights and clear the jungle camps quickly. This is beneficial for Malphite as it gives him more avenues to gank quickly.
Malphite will now have multiple items with which he will be able to dish out a lot of damage. His cooldowns will be reduced, which will allow him to completely take over the Jungle with his Ultimate R.
Adding another point to his Ultimat R will increase his burst damage output. He can easily use the ability to finish off low-health enemies who overstay their welcome in the lane.
Malphite is quite good in team fights, especially those which occur in choke points. This makes neutral objective fights a breeze for him to deal with.
Putting 3 points in his Ultimate R will be the final nail in the coffin of the enemy team. They won't be able to do anything about the low cooldown of his Ultimate R.
Malphite is quite decent in late-game team fights. This is because his Ultimate R will almost always be up, and he can easily use the fog of war to get to his enemies.
He has a lot of versatility in his kit, which allows him to be an unkillable juggernaut or a glass cannon who excels at one-shooting the enemy. The game state will dictate the optimum path for his team, but it is always better to go for a full AP build when the enemy is filled with squishy and ranged carries.