LeBlanc·Mid Expert Video Guide

Win rate | 49.1% |
Pick rate | 3.9% |
Ban rate | 17.1% |
Matches | 39 695- |
Check the video guide developed by our experts for you:

LeBlanc Matchups Overview
LeBlanc General information
LeBlanc tips and tricks
As an Assassin, Leblanc should look to assassinate isolated targets that are moving through the river alone in the mid to late game.
Refrain from instantly recasting your W after trading as it may set the enemy up for a good turn around kill. You can wait briefly before reactivating your
W to return to your original Distortion.
Leblanc is a very good roaming champion. If you’re not able to get much done in the mid lane, try and roam to help your side lanes out.
LeBlanc combos
Every combo you need to master the champion!

Check out the latest and best LeBlanc Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.
New Champion: Mel
New champion is live! Check out the latest PBE Mel build now!

In-depth Build Stats
Dive into even more LeBlanc builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics.