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Karma·Top Counters

Gathering FireP
Inner FlameQ
Focused ResolveW
Win rate51.1%
Pick rate1.0%
Ban rate10.7%
Matches3 939-
Karma Top has a 51.1% win rate and 1.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 3 939 matches, the best counters for Karma Top are Sylas, Quinn, Warwick, Renekton and Nasus. On the other hand, Karma Top counters Wukong, Varus, Udyr, Kled and Tryndamere.
Karma Top
Karma Jungle
Karma Mid
Karma Bot
Karma Support

Karma matchups

Top Top ∙ Patch 15.3

Karma counter tips

General advice on how to play against Karma
These champs are strong against Karma at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Karma.
Laning Against Karma

Laning Against Karma

Karma has her Ultimate MantraR at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6.

Do not isolate yourself from the minion wave at all. Stand behind minions at all time (but not too close to them as her Inner FlameQ deals AOE damage) so they block the damage.

When Karma uses her InspireE, she will be vulnerable to attack. While it’s on cooldown, that’s your time to play aggressive and go for a favourable trade.

Strategy VS Karma

Strategy VS Karma

Force a team fight as quickly as you can so Karma isn’t able to poke your team down before you have the chance to engage. Delaying a team fight will allow her to harass your team and make the fight much riskier.

If Karma uses her empowered Inner FlameQ when trying to poke, you should use the cooldown to start a team fight. When Karma’s Ultimate MantraR is down, she cannot give her team a huge shield InspireE which will make fighting much easier.

Don’t be afraid to invest in an Executioner’s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier.

Karma Power Spikes

Karma Power Spikes

Depending on Karma’s build path, she may spike earlier rather than later- and vice versa.

Karma has a potent early game and is quite strong from levels 1 to 3. Try to not let her poke you too much by hiding in between the minion wave and backing off when she moves forward.

Remember that Karma has her Ultimate MantraR at level 1 and can dish out lots of damage if you’re hit by her empowered Inner FlameQ.
