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Jarvan IV·Top Counters

Martial CadenceP
Dragon StrikeQ
Golden AegisW
Demacian StandardE
Win rate46.1%
Pick rate0.1%
Ban rate1.7%
Matches2 389-
Jarvan IV Top has a 46.1% win rate and 0.1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 2 389 matches, the best counters for Jarvan IV Top are Wukong, Warwick, Sett, Volibear and Ryze. On the other hand, Jarvan IV Top counters Rumble, Urgot, Akali, Yorick and Quinn.
Jarvan IV Top
Jarvan IV Jungle
Jarvan IV Mid
Jarvan IV Bot
Jarvan IV Support

Jarvan IV matchups

Top Top  Patch 14.24

Jarvan IV counter tips

General advice on how to play against Jarvan IV
These champs are strong against Jarvan IV at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Jarvan IV.
Laning Against Jarvan IV

Laning Against Jarvan IV

Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. This will make it much harder for Jarvan to chase you down the lane and zone you away from the farm.

Beware of his level 6 all-in. If he physically cannot all-in you, he may look to roam and use his Ultimate CataclysmR in the mid lane instead.

He is quite strong early, so expect him to go for aggressive plays. Watch his positioning and play to the opposite side of him to make it harder for him to all-in you.

Strategy VS Jarvan IV

Strategy VS Jarvan IV

In team fights, Jarvan IV will look to lock down as many champions as he can with his Ultimate CataclysmR. Make sure you’re grouped as a team but not grouped so close together that he can lock everyone in his Cataclysm CataclysmR.

Jarvan’s gameplay is not very creative when it comes to fighting. Warding basic areas like bushes or chokepoints will likely spot Jarvan before he gets the chance to flank or gank.

If you can interrupt Jarvan in his combo at the start of the fight, it will be very difficult for him to get his Ultimate CataclysmR off or escape after engaging. As soon as he runs towards you, either disengage or lock him down with CC.

Jarvan IV Power Spikes

Jarvan IV Power Spikes

Jarvan’s level 2 power spike is quite prominent. He may look for an aggressive all-in play if he gets the level up first.

His level 6 power spike is very strong. He can use it to get kills alone or set up his Jungler for a kill.

When Jarvan has completed his first component item, he will be much scarier in the lane.
