
Hwei·Support Counters

Signature of the VisionaryP
Subject: DisasterQ
Subject: SerenityW
Subject: TormentE
Spiraling DespairR
Win rate47.1%
Pick rate1.9%
Ban rate21.1%
Matches3 121-
Hwei Support has a 47.1% win rate and 1.9% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 3 121 matches, the best counters for Hwei Support are LeBlanc, Bard, Janna, Shaco and Soraka. On the other hand, Hwei Support counters Sylas, Zac, Swain, Zilean and Rell.
Hwei Top
Hwei Jungle
Hwei Mid
Hwei Bot
Hwei Support

Hwei matchups

Support Support ∙ Patch 14.13

Hwei counter tips

General advice on how to play against Hwei
These champs are weak against Hwei at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Hwei.
Laning Against Hwei

Laning Against Hwei

Stand as far back as possible, and away from walls so it gives you more time to react to his abilities.

Abuse his immobile nature by forcing the enemy bottom-lane duo to overextend. Your Jungler can then gank you while they’re pushed in.

Track his E cooldown and mana costs. If he is low on mana or if this ability is on cooldown, try to play aggressively.

Strategy VS Hwei

Strategy VS Hwei

Avoid letting Hwei land free poke on you. Purchasing early boots can help with dodging his abilities.

Avoid fighting in the jungle as he has a lot of AOE damage, and will of course be building AP items, so he will deal a lot of damage.

Execute him as he tries to ward alone in the mid game. Picking him off can enable your team to get the Baron or another major objective.

Hwei Power Spikes

Hwei Power Spikes

He isn’t the strongest early-game champion, but once he hits level 3, his poke and damage output increase.

When he hits level 6, his Ultimate increases his and his ADC’s kill pressure in lane. This will help him get kills.

The longer the game goes, the stronger Hwei will be. Once he has more items under his belt, he is quite good in the mid and late game.
