Dr. Mundo·Jungle Guide
Win rate | 50.1% |
Pick rate | 0.5% |
Ban rate | 2.1% |
Matches | 8 441- |
Dr Mundo’s tankiness and health regeneration are unparalleled and quite valuable during late-game fights. He can act as a really potent frontline/disruptor for his team and can go directly for the enemy backline.
His 1v1 potential is pretty high. He can 1v1 pretty much any Jungler if he has a small lead. This is especially true post 6 with his Ultimate R.
His Q can allow him to catch up to targets quite easily. This is invaluable when he is trying to pull off a gank or when he manages to catch an immobile champion out.
Grievous Wounds, especially during the early game is his mortal enemy and will allow the enemy to take him down with relative ease. The fact that he is extremely weak during the early game doesn’t help him either.
If Dr Mundo isn’t ahead, he will find it hard to be the frontline for his team. If he is behind, he will not be able to tank a lot of damage and will have to fall back quite quickly.
Without his Ultimate , Dr Mundo doesn’t have much kill pressure or chase potential, unless he can land his . If he misses his Q when trying to gank a lane, he can’t do anything to shut down the enemy.
0 - 15 min
Power farm and get as many levels under your belt as you can before starting to gank.
Gank overextended enemies and get kills for you and your teammates. Hold off from using your Q until you’re close to them to make it easier for you to get kills.
Secure objectives such as the Rift Herald and Dragons. Dr Mundo is very good at securing them thanks to his E and R.
15 - 25 min
Be the frontline for your team at all times. It’s key that when playing Dr Mundo, you’re always towards the front of your team.
After being the frontline for your team, fall back and peel for your carries with your Q to keep them alive. If they die fast, the team fight’s over as you’re going to lack damage.
Avoid split pushing when major objectives are up as you will be the champion who can Smite the objective. If you split push when Baron is up, the enemy will be able to secure it for free.
25+ min
Stay with your team at all times in the late game. Do not split push or run away from your team as the enemy will use the numbers advantage to start a team fight.
Make sure you’re always stood towards the front of your team at all times. Reposition and stand at the front for as long as possible.
In team fights, stay towards the front of your team to soak up damage. But, peel for your team with your Q and focus the enemy who is the biggest threat to them (or focus the enemy backline if the enemy frontline is weak) to keep them alive.
Dr Mundo’s main power spike during the early game is when he reaches level 6. His Ultimate R offers him a lot of additional protection, and the additional movement speed it provides will make it hard for the enemy laner to escape from his ganks.
Mundo can start ganking from level 3 onwards. While his Q doesn’t deal a lot of damage in the early game, the slow it provides is very handy when it comes to ganking his allies.
Once Dr Mundo has completed his first item, his damage output and overall tankiness will increase. At this stage of the game, his duelling ability and kill pressure will be very high.
At level 9, Dr Mundo will max his E. His ability to 1v1 the enemy Jungler, or 1v1 any lane champion, will be very high. Don’t be afraid to 1v1 champions if you’re ahead.
During the mid-game, Dr Mundo should’ve completed a couple of core items. As every item he buys offers him defensive stats, he will be very tanky throughout the mid-game. He should be a giant menace in team fights.
At level 11, Dr Mundo will put the second point in his Ultimate R. The additional health regeneration combined with his overall tankiness will be very hard to deal with in the mid-game. He will be incredibly tanky during this stage of the game.
If you reach the late game as Dr Mundo, you should’ve brought a ton of tank and defensive items. At this stage of the game, you will be very, very tanky and pretty much unkillable. Look for aggressive fights with your team to gain a victory.
At level 16, Mundo will put the third point in his Ultimate R. The regeneration he gets back from this power spike will be incredibly potent. Even if the enemy picks up healing reduction items, he will still gain a ton of health back.
As Dr Mundo is a tank, he will be good in the late parts of the game as he can stick to the enemy backline and force them to focus him rather than his carries. Due to this playstyle, he should be a significant threat in late game team fights.