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Darius·Jungle Guide

Crippling StrikeW
Noxian GuillotineR
Win rate51.0%
Pick rate0.3%
Ban rate12.8%
Matches8 608-
Darius Jungle has a 51.0% win rate and 0.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Darius Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Darius Jungle guide!
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Darius Strengths & Weaknesses

Extended trades work in the favour of Darius thanks to his Passive. He will win almost every auto-attack battle. This makes him a great duelist in low ELO as many players like to constantly fight.

Darius is really good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR which can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it.

He has good gank potential and can start ganking after level 3.


Darius is really easy to kite. As he is immobile, champions with dashes, range advantage or poke make it difficult for Darius to get on to them and kill them.

He falls off in the late game. Darius is an early to mid game champion and once it gets to the later stages of the game, his strengths become weaknesses.

His Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR is crucial in team fights to take down key targets. If he miss-times his Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR, his damage output will be reduced heavily and it may cost him the team fight. This is why he needs to cast his Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR as soon as the enemy gets into health range.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Darius is Strong

You should focus on getting level 3 quickly and then see if you can gank pushed-up enemies regularly. It should be quite easy if you can bypass the vision set by the enemy team.

When dueling enemies, you must check the enemy's inventory so that you don't get bamboozled by early Grievous Wounds. You will want to avoid fighting with enemies having such items.

You must try to counter gank as much as you can as his kit facilitates it. Once you get your Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR, you should be extremely efficient in skirmishes.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Darius is Strong

When you do team fight, look to peel and focus on the closest enemy champion. You’re Darius, not an assassin and you’ll struggle to kill anyone alone. But, you can soak damage and deal loads at the same time.

When no team fights are occurring, look to split push and try to fight the enemy who tries to stop you. Darius is a strong 1v1 champion and can fight most laners who are put up against him.

Use your Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR at a proper time in every fight. Getting resets on your Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR will increase your chances of winning the fight.

Late game
25+ min
Darius is Average

Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easy. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.

Peel for your allies and keep them alive for as long as possible but make sure that you are close to the neutral objective during neutral objective fights. In a standard team fight, If you’re ahead, try to take down the enemy backline. If you’re not strong, use your Apprehend ApprehendE to peel for your allies.

Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Darius can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3. He needs all of his basic abilities before he can start to gank.

His best early game power spike is when he hits level 6. His Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR heavily increases his 1v1 and skirmishing power and he will be a huge threat at this time.

After he has completed his first component item, Darius’ trading and kill pressure further increases. He can 1v1 most enemy Junglers at this time.

Mid game15 - 25 min

At level 9, Darius would’ve maxed out his DecimateQ. His all-in potential and kill pressure is still very good during the mid-game.

At level 11, Darius will put a secondary point in his Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR. If he gained a slight lead in the early game, he will be tough to handle in the mid-game, and he should be able to kill any enemy who tries to prevent him from split pushing.

During the mid-game, Darius should’ve completed a couple of items. He should be able to deal a lot of damage to targets, and also be somewhat tanky. The items he picks up makes him a huge problem during this stage of the game.

Late game25+ min

Darius starts to fall off in the late game, but he is still powerful. He falls off as other champions start getting items that counter him, and many champions will be tankier, which makes it harder for him to kill them.

At level 16, Darius’s Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR will be an essential tool in team fights. As it can deal a considerable amount of damage and as it is an execute- he will be able to take down targets and use the reset to kill multiple targets.

By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build. As he builds items that enhance his damage and offer him protection, he will be relatively tanky and challenging to take down.

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