Cho'Gath·ARAM Builds
Win rate | 53.7% |
Pick rate | 1.7% |
Ban rate | -- |
Matches | 973 090- |
Cho'Gath ARAM Build
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Win Rate 55.4% based on 310 089 matches
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57.8%ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
No special effects for Cho'Gath.
ARAM runes
ARAM spells
ARAM items
Starter Items
Core Items
Full Build
ARAM ability order
ARAM situational items
ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
No special effects for Cho'Gath.
Cho'Gath ARAM combos
When trying to engage on your target post level 6 Q and walk into E range to AA then W AA, execute with R.
If you're trying to all in a target with mobility or movement spells up W Q instantly then AA E and use R to execute.
For a decent melee trade W then quickly AA and instantly E after it completes to reset your AA. Q after your E slow connects then AA twice more.