Camille·Support Guide
Win rate | 50.4% |
Pick rate | 0.6% |
Ban rate | 3.1% |
Matches | 7 475- |
In the Support role, she has great pick potential with her E and Ultimate. She can catch any enemy who overextends post 6.
She can constantly pick up kills in the lane with her Ultimate. If you can’t get kills in lane, look to roam and help your allies instead.
Camille can play aggressive from the get-go. She can get early kills, get picks and deal a lot of damage as the game goes along.
Camille is a mechanically difficult champion. She takes lots of practice to master and she has a sharp learning curve. You need to play her a lot to make use of her kit.
While she can deal a lot of damage and be a useful champion in team fights, she will not have as much gold or income to buy items like she would do in the Top role.
When playing as Camille, she can get hard-countered by certain champions. Be mindful of picking her into champions that can counter her all-ins.
0 - 15 min
Avoid taking too much damage early from auto-attacks. Play around your E cooldown and stay back while it is on cooldown.
Once you’re level 2 or 3, you can play aggressive. Only go in if your ADC can fight though.
Try to play around your Ultimate’s cooldown. Make sure you use it whenever it is up.
15 - 25 min
Keep roaming around and invading the enemy Jungle regularly. Drop deep wards whenever you get the chance and try to keep track of the enemy Jungler. You should always backup your Jungler while they are busy invading.
Look to flank and take down enemies, or pick them off with your Ultimate. This can be quite easy on the enemy Support, or enemy Mid Lane if they overextend.
Purchase items that will keep you alive for longer in team fights. Try to be as obnoxious as possible: soak and deal damage to get your team ahead.
25+ min
Continue to look for picks whenever possible. Stay with your team though, as you don’t want to go in without them.
Due to your low cooldown on your Ultimate in the late game, make sure you actively look for plays and isolate the enemy carries.
Stay with your team at all times, and peel and protect for your allies.
Camille Support's first power spike is at level 2 and 3. She can play aggressive, but should only do so if her ADC can play aggressive too.
Her next major power spike is at level 6. A good Camille will look to constantly make plays whenever this ability is off cooldown.
After she has got her first component item, her trading power in lane increases quite a bit.
During the mid game, you will hit level 11 and put an additional point in your Ultimate. Make sure you play around its cooldown and try to get kills with it.
At level 9, you would max your first ability. Your trading potential will increase dramatically.
You will have multiple items completed in the mid-game. After your first item, you will be a lot stronger, and when you have 2, you will be a fierce opponent.
At level 16, you would’ve put the third point in her Ultimate. Her Ultimates cooldown will be a little lower at this time, so you need to play around it as much as possible.
In the late game, Camille will deal a lot of damage but also be quite tanky, so you should look to peel and protect your carries.
The longer the game goes, the more items you can purchase. You will be stronger as the game goes along.