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Camille·Jungle Guide

Adaptive DefensesP
Precision ProtocolQ
Tactical SweepW
The Hextech UltimatumR
Win rate41.7%
Pick rate0.0%
Ban rate2.2%
Camille Jungle has a 41.7% win rate and 0.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Camille Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Camille Jungle guide!
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Camille Strengths & Weaknesses

Camille has good outplay potential with her HookshotE and Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR. She can often outplay the enemy and turn around or escape exchanges with ease.

She is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding. Players who put a lot of effort into learning her will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player.

As her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR is a CC tool, using it on a squishy target generally results in a kill. You can snowball a lead through constant ganks this way.


Camille is a mechanically difficult champion. She takes lots of practice to master and she has a sharp learning curve. You need to play her a lot to make use of her kit.

As she is mechanically difficult, it’s really easy to go wrong on her. If you make a mistake, the enemy can easily capitalise on it and gain a lead. Once Camille is behind, it will be difficult for her to get back into the game.

You need to be incredibly proactive on Camille to get ahead. If you auto-pilot or do not use your Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR whenever it’s off cooldown, you’re losing out on potential kills.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Camille is Average

She should be careful about getting invaded during the early parts of the game. Setting up vision around the Jungle entrances in the river should help her detect invades early on.

Once she unlocks her basic abilities, she should be looking to gank pushed up enemy lanes with extreme prejudice. Try to bait their Flash out so that you can come back later on and finish the job.

Getting her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR will help her a lot with ganks. Still, she should be careful about ganking lanes that have enemy champions with knockbacks in their kits. She should wait for her teammates to bait out the knockback before going in for a kill.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Camille is Strong

The mid-game should be focused on picking off the enemy laners and champions who are squandering about the map. Her potential to duel and pick off enemies should be capitalized on by her.

Neutral objective fights will have to be dealt with differently. Camille should always try to get into the enemy backline by using the fog of war to her advantage during such fights. This is mainly because she doesn't have any consistent AoE DPS ability in her kit.

Her core items should allow her to take up any fight without significant hindrance. She should be focusing on ganking her laners frequently to help them accumulate a lead during this phase of the game.

Late game
25+ min
Camille is Average

She can pretty much duel anyone during this phase of the game. The only thing Camille should be careful about is her HookshotE usage. Missing it will probably end up with her getting chunked out massively.

Camille should try to focus on the enemy backline and zoning them off the enemy frontline when possible. Picking off the enemy Support should be pretty easy because they will be focusing on warding around the map.

Her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR will be the icing on the cake during this phase of the game. It can easily allow her to separate one of the enemy champions from their team, allowing her teammates to immediately collapse on them.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Once Camille hits level 3, she can effectively start looking for ganks. This is because she will unlock all 3 of her basic abilities.

When Camille hits level 6, her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR should result in easy kills for her and her laners. A good Camille will be looking to gank as soon as her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR comes up.

After Camille has completed her Mythic item, her kill pressure and 1v1 potential increases heavily. If you weren’t a threat before then, you definitely will be now as your Mythic gives you so much trading power.

Mid game15 - 25 min

A good Camille will be able to play around her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR consistently. Once you have a second point in it, you should be able to get more kills with it. Make sure you constantly look for plays whenever your Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR is up.

At level 9, you will max out your Precision ProtocolQ. At this stage of the game, your 1v1 potential is incredibly high. Don’t be afraid to look for 1v1 fights.

You will have multiple items completed in the mid-game. After your first item, you will be a lot stronger, and when you have 2, you will be a fierce opponent.

Late game25+ min

In the late game, Camille is good at picking off champions with her Ultimate The Hextech UltimatumR. It should be on a low cooldown and if you’re able to Ult The Hextech UltimatumR the right champion (like a carry), you could win the game.

While you have good pick potential, the enemy will start building defensive stats which will make it harder for you to kill the carries on your own. Keep this in mind when diving in with your HookshotE.

Although you will find it harder to kill carries on your own, you will be quite tanky and deal a lot of damage thanks to the items you buy. Don’t be afraid to jump in and soak up damage if you need to.

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