Amumu·Support Counters
Win rate | 51.2% |
Pick rate | 0.4% |
Ban rate | 1.6% |
Matches | 4 816- |
Amumu matchups
Amumu counter tips
Overall Average
Tahm Kench
Laning Against Amumu
Amumu is pretty vulnerable to poke damage. Try and harass him as much as possible to make it near impossible for him to go in without dying in return.
Amumu’s level 6 is very good. Once he hits level 6, try and position away from your other laner so he cannot CC both of you with his Ultimate R.
Watch your positioning throughout the game. Try and position so you’re always behind 1 minion so it is impossible for him to land his Q on you.
Strategy VS Amumu
Amumu’s team fight presence is very strong. Do not group too closely as this will allow him to get a multiperson entangle with his Ultimate R. Do not fight inside the jungle either for the same reason.
Try and start a team fight as soon as the one before has ended. Fighting when Amumu isn’t there or when his Ultimate R is on cooldown is a surefire way of winning the next fight.
Spreading out the map and split pushing is your best bet as a 5v5 team fight against a team with Amumu doesn't usually end well. However, if you’re teammates are squishy and prone to get caught out, you’ll need to group.
Amumu Power Spikes
Amumu’s level 6 power spike is incredibly strong as it allows him to start ganking thanks to his Ultimate R. You can delay his power spike by invading him early.
Once Amumu gets tons of cooldown reduction, his Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown. This allows him to gank more often and have more success when it comes to ganking.
Depending on the build, you’ll need to either invest in armour pen if you’re an AD champion, or magic pen if you’re an AP champion. If he is going damage, you might need some defensive items. As the game goes along, he will become stronger and stronger, and tankier and tankier.